CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival
Founded in 2005, CologneOFF was from the beginning an experimental and temporarily limited festival project, launched at first exclusively online as Cologne Online Film Festival (CologneOFF), but soon renamed to Cologne International Videoart Festival taking the interests of international festival into account to present the curated festival program selections by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne. The project was based on the unconventional concept to be a festival without a static festival location but built on global networking instead, based on a growing collection of art videos to be expanded each year by realising a new festival edition, instead of organising each year again an event just for 3 days, based on a dual system of equal virtual and physical components, focussing on new and experimental artistic expressions, instead of following already known paths. All this gives its founder and director Agricola de Cologne all freedom to set through his ideas of encouraging artists to create “total art” works by using the multi-facetted medium of digital video.
In 2014, CologneOFF is realising its 10th and final festival edition celebrating 10 years exciting developments in the field of “art and moving images†as a final highlight of this successful festival project.
Cologne International Videoart Festival was a project run by artvideoKOELN – the curatorial initiative “art & moving images” and directed by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne.
CologneOFF 20XX †videoart in a global context / CologneOFF XP nomadic
Searching for an ideal form of presenting “art & moving imagesâ€
As a dynamic media art event context and nomadic festival project designed, programmed, curated and directed by Agricola de Cologne in the framework of Cologne International Videoart Festival, “CologneOFF 20XX – videoart in a global context†started in 2010, a flexible work in progress, a process incorporating the idea of a festival, not bound to a physical location, but travelling from one venue, country and continent to another presenting a hybrid type of mono-channel videos, which can be presented in the same way via screening, projection and installation
A dual system is forming the supporting frame-work – virtual (online) components (see links) – all videos, info & event updates online – juxtaposed with the physical component in form of networked screenings & exhibitions- Agricola de Cologne’s curatorial opinion juxtaposed with the curatorial opinions of 40 curators (40 countries) demonstrating the multi-facetted diversity of artistic and curatorial approaches – the active presenter juxtaposed with the passively consuming audience to be activated via interventions like lectures, panel discussions, artists talks, round table or workshops, not to forget the different types presentation forms, in total, an interactive context intending to link the audience, artists, curators and institutions by thinking and acting in new terms without any restriction.
The festival editions
Enter Cologne OFF I directly here
CologneOFF I
Curated by Agricola de Cologne
was launched on 11 April 2006 online and incorporates 40 videos and digital short films
Venues 2007
Selections of Cologne OFF I – were presented on
Gijon/ES – 8,10-14 November 2008
Lyon/F – 21-27 January 2008
Belgrade/Serbia 19 November 2007
12-13 October 2007
1-8 October 2007 – 24 August 2007
Istanbul/Turkey – 27 – 30 June 2007 –
10-15 April 2007
9-11 February 2007
16-18 November 2006
20-22 October 2006
Guadalajarra/Mexico – 12-17 November 2006
Find more details also in the PDF catalogue
Selected artists
Arzu Ozkal Telhan (Turkey)
Title: Entitled, video installation, 2003, 3:34
In collaboration with: Insoon Ha and Peiyun Lee
A naked newborn baby is not considered wrong or bad. A naked two year old
On the beach is generally considered normal and innocuous. At what age child
considered as a human and trained with the set of social practices, disciplinized and socialized?
“Activities such as walking, experiencing shame (experiencing gender), stigmatization, eating, and dressing, are the daily rituals through which the child attends and trains the body. The body is a powerful symbolic form, a surface on which the central rules, hierarchies, and even metaphysical
commitments of culture are inscribed (sewed).†_Foucault
Andrew Johnson (USA)
Title: Black and White, 4:30
Elia Alba (Domincan Republic)
Title: If I were a…
In collaboration with Nicolás Dumit Estévez
DVD; 4:30 min.
This video refers to the Banana Dance performed by Josephine Baker in Paris in 1926. The word “jaba†is a negative informal expression from the Dominican Republic that is the equivalent to the term “high yellow†used here in the United States, meaning a very light skinned black person. In this video, the performance artist Nicolás Dumit Estévez wears a skirt similar to the one worn by Josephine Baker in her dance and the mask is that of my face. However, instead of bananas, the skirt is made up of miniature doll heads of various ethnic races. By re-enacting this performance, I wanted to make reference to this historical act, which was about white Parisian culture consuming the acts of a black female body, but in presenting a man in the guise of Josephine Baker, I wanted to reconsider the original narrative of the Banana Dance, which eroticized the black, female body and the consummation of such.
Alla Girik and Oksana Shatalova (Kazakhstan)
Alla Girik biography
Oksana Shatalova biography
Title: Warning! Women
year of production : 2005, duration: 3 min. 12 sec
In non-modernized patriarchal societies (they are still the majority of humanity) the role of cultural organizing force, “intellect” and “consciousness” is traditionally given to male.
A woman symbolizes the power of the Unconscious, intuition, chaos. It’s a kind of some impersonal force. She is dangerous like the nature (= threat of disaster).
The trilogy “Warning: Woman!” is a Rabelaisian illustration for ideas on woman as a “corporal bottom”. It’s an ironic illustration of feminophobia; an illustration of archaic myth (about “vagina dentata”). Woman here is represented as a brutal (though funny) monster that always can deprive a male of his phallic regalia.
Eleanor Gates Stuart (Australia)
Title: Knit, 2005
Duration: 9 minutes 4 seconds
Eleanor Gates-Stuart’s video, Knit (2006), is a gruelingly frustrating depiction of human condition. Her video works are described as – distinguished psychological mindscapes, claustrophobic and compulsively escapeless.
Ina Loitzl (Austria)
Title: Snow-white and red like a rose
Trick animation video with sound / 5’ / 2005
Regularly “SNOW – WHITE†becomes “ROSE – REDâ€
Takes of her clean appearance
Goes wild, blooming and pulsating
To return again into white silence
This metamorphosis colours the red juice blue
Blood can not be denied
Womens’ tears clean their “unsanitary mons venerisâ€
Marias’ concentration on her body fluids
Made her think of a simple analogy
With the blood of her own son!
Which sanguine is now allowed to be drunk,
which blood is worth to be shed?
Oh, don’t wish for a woman with no abdomen!
Could she serve better with a missing genital?
Clean, safe, marias’ mouth can only swear….
The critical days are “my daysâ€
Activity can be gained with injections or pills
The end is the absence of menorrhoea
But this hide – and – seek can take revenge
With bouts of the vagina
Because tampons can only stop, plug and tame
The juice floating with relish
The power and fury should not be forgotten
The life in all its red coloured nuances.
It’s a beautiful part of you and me……
Joao Paulo Simoes (Portugal)
Title: Take.This.Turn, 2005
In which three musical interludes are combined to form a three-part Video Illustration about the nature of identity in an abstract, sci-fi context.
Elisabeth Smolarz (Germany)
You and Me
2003, Video installation, 3 min
A couple. The woman slowly transforms into the man and vice versa. The video visualises a relationship between two people., The installation is a metaphor for how human beings interact with one another; the creation of our identities.
Beatrice Allegranti (UK)
Title: IN MY BODY, video 2005, 4 min
is a site-specific autobiographical solo film which explores the sensations and emotions of a woman in the nascent stages of re- constructing her identity following the death of her mother.
Unnur A. Einarsdottir (Iceland)
Title: Toilet (2005),
A woman, dressed in a pink night dress and high heels, is licking a toilet seat covered with whipped cream and candy, with sexual intensity.
Sonja Vuk (Croatia)
Title: Cosmo Club
year of production 2004
This art work deals with typical problems of life adjustment in transitional Croatia.
Split between temptations of consumerism, media influence and real financial and political situation in the country leads to contradictions on everyday basis in common people’s lives.
This problem is serious but sometimes offers comic moments as a defence against general absurdity and helplessness.
One of such examples is processing the text from Cosmopolitan.
The basic idea of this project is inspired by certain «Guide through fantasies», published in Cosmopolitan magazine in January,2004 which promisses «momentary pleasure» by following instructions for sexlife refreshment.
Superior author of the text tries to help by clear role division (Who are you?,Who is he?,
What he says?,What you say?,What do you do?,How everything ends?).
He/she thinks that helps to those who are not creative and fearless enough even for dealing with general questions in politics, economy etc. so how they can be capable of finding mature solutions of own sexsual frustrations? Or the other way around? Those who are not creative enough for their own imaginative intimate life, are they capable enough for independant dealing with socially important questions?
However, Cosmopolitan is here to help with instant recepes so life can be more alike cliche lives of heroines and heroes from soaps where they are always rich, beautiful, sexy and they get the best and the most of the life.
Irène Tétaz (France)
Title: Il Nue (the nude), 2006
The ambiguity between male and female
« Il nue » est une vidéo qui se joue sur une ambiguïté homme-femme (d’où son titre).
Une peau, une peau avec poil….homme.
Une poitrine, mais poilue….homme ? femme ?
Une poitrine, qui petit à petit est nettoyée par du lait, qui, devient seins….le lait, symbole par excellence de la femme, mais de la pureté aussi ?
Une femme doit –elle être pure ?
Les seins, signe de la maternité, certes, mais aussi de l’envie, de la sexualité…..
« il nue » se propose comme un voyage sur ces questions.
Risk Hazekamp (the Netherlands)
artist biography
Title: Gay King
model: Mariëlle, duration: 3 min., year: 2005
“I try to re-formulate the question about ‘gender’ again and again through the use of images. For me there’s not one conclusion possible. It is much more interesting to stay surprised and to take that surprise as a starting point, in stead of trying to make a definition.
This film is an encounter between two (drag)kings and they happen to be gay. The film is also a little tribute to the most brilliant scene in Patricia Rozema’s “I’ve heard the mermaids singing”, where Polly tries to look around the edge of the monitor.â€
Rahel Maher (Australia)
Title: Misstar
Year of Production: 2002, Length: 2 minutes, Format: Digital Video
In its simplest form, Misstar is film about a woman who dresses up as a man. This process appears to entirely change her identity but this film presents the question: what is her real identity? Perhaps people have many gender identities and it is about exploring ways to express them. MIsstar is a short documentary exploring personal identity and one person’s experiment with her own.
This film involves two characters: Lee and Misstar (Lee’s drag persona). Misstar has many characters but this film presents just one of them: Johnny Gash. On many Friday nights Lee performs as a singing man in a Drag King shows. It’s entertaining for the people who go to watch; often amusing, sometimes confronting. But for Lee it is about exploring and fulfilling an identity that she feels doesn’t always breathe easily in her life daily life. Dressing up in drag allows her to find expression for a personal urge that materialises as both a committed performer and a convincing male personality.
This film presents the relationship between Lee and Misstar as a transition in gender identity. It traces Lee’s process of dressing up as Johnny Gash and the actual preparation for performing in drag that night. So, we watch her dressing up physically and psyching up mentally to leave the private persona Lee for a while and become publicly recognisable Johnny Gash.
Lee’s insightful descriptions of her identity offer a great commentary to the visual representation of the physical process of transition. We catch a glimpse of the dreams and the tradition that motivated and inspired Lee to create Misstar. And ultimately we observe Lee revel in who she is and what she does.
work title: I THOU
The dichotomy between boundaries and merging. The invisibility of myself alone becomes the ambiguity of us together: we are plain sight and yet unseen.
Steven Dixon (Sweden)
Title: The Invisible Girl, 2004
Interview about the lesbian identity of a young girl
Sinasi Günes (Turkey)
Work title: ANDROGEN, video 2004
This video art work shows transforming of a man and woman’s role each other.
Michael Brynntrup (Germany)
Title: TV-X-perm. (Being Queer As A Commissioned Work)
My Gay Self-Portrait For Arte TV.
Being queer as a commissioned work.
Elastic Reality™ as program.
Fred Koenig (France)
Title: The Vodoo Diva’s International
Playing with Gender, Love, Hope and a keen Desire to find where they
Belong, in a style that can only be described as falling between
Contemporary Conceptual High Art and Total Trash. These two
Internationally famous performance artists hope to do nothing more at
Playtime, than astound their audiences and live up to their reputation
with a special new creation made in Jo’burg inspired by the beauty of the
purple Jakaranda trees, titled :
The Voodoo Diva’s On the Barbecue
‘freedom’s just an other word for nothing left to lose’ -Janis Joplin “I
only wanted to see you bathing in the purple rain”- Prince
Joey Hateley (UK)
Title: A: Gender, video excerpt from a DVD performance
A bold new performance, A:Gender delves deep into one of the last remaining taboos in our society. Boys can be girls. Girls can be boys. Men can be women. Women can be men. Or can they?
‘When I don’t fit ‘man’ and I don’t fit ‘woman’, it’s like all these holes start appearing…’
Conceived by the Manchester based queer performance artist, Joey Hateley, A:Gender takes a long, hard, and sometimes uncomfortable, look at our notions of gender. A:Gender daringly mixes up drag/queer photography, videography, performance poetry, academia and science to rip up our notions of gender and start again.
Ane Lan (Norway)
Title: Ane Lan, video
The video and performance work conceived by Norwegian artist Ane Lan is based on living portraits, short performances that interpret the domestic and personal condition of History; the interior life of common men that, being out of proportion with the universal dimension, rests in painful resignation. The setting, alternately pop, naïf, ordinary, or looking like a doll-house, is only apparently ironic. The harsh contrast of colours signifies the extraneousness which Ane Lan stages by means of transvestitism. Her docile characters create portraits of silence, of extraneousness, of incongruity, but also of an icy political verdict. Innocence veined in melancholy is intended as a conscious return to a childish perception of the world.
Carlo Sansolo (Brazil)
artist biography
In his work “Panoptica”, the viewer takes to position of the hidden artist who is observing what is happening around in the living environment of the hired flat. Every day life scenes become relevant and are catapulted to the level of importance.
Erika Frenkel (Brazil)
artist biography
Title: Cascadura Baby – 5:00 – 2004
A turbulent body, relativizing the difficulty on communicating and the function of the culture on the whole society.
Jamil Yamani (Australia)
Title: All Quiet on the Western Front, 2005
This work explores the changing face of identity when one is exposed to a greater cultural hegemony, it is illustrated through the simplistic device of eating food. In the work on the left/east side I can be seen eating a traditional indian meal, salt is taken at the beginning of the meal and I begin to eat with only my right hand (my family are muslims), no drink is taken until the meal is finished. On the right/western side a napkin is laid on my lap and I commence my meal by swallowing a large amount of beer, halfway through the meal I burp quite loudly and once again near the end. On the table on the eastern side is placed a jar of olive oil, its counterpart on the west is a jar of salted preserved lemons, how can these two elements come together to harmoniously communicate? Can they ever? For most of the duration of the film, both myselves studiously ignore each other but every now and then their eyes meet or when one is engaged in their food, the other observes himself. I make no commentary or observations within this text, I merely present multiple facets of complex problems.
. Ruben James Preston (UK)
artist biography
Remembering (4:40) (2005)
The piece addresses the issues of remembrance in the human consciousness, in particular how an inanimate material can be the vehicle for a very deep sense of remembrance, loss and change. In the work the simple item of a chair is raised to iconic level by the significance it holds in the character’s life. The chair is a symbol of much hope and aspiration as well as hard work toil and commitment. A commitment which came to an end as life needed to move forward. But the questions that hang in the air are where does the future lie when the leap of faith is made and where will new faith and hope be found when the traditional vessels have failed to supply the hopes, desires and security which were sought after. The chair as a piece of timber embodies something of these remembrances and points to the personal journey for meaning and purpose in the human quest. The piece presents us with the letting of in the ordained ministry in the search for creativity and self fulfilment.
Welmo E. Romero Joseph
artist biography
Title of work : ½ POCILLO , video, 2003, 3:40
Production Team:
Welmo: MC (Lyric)
Sasha/”splice” Costanza Chock: Beat
Dj K-kemit: Scrachts
Actors/actress: Joanna, Gerardo Calderón, Lucia Castellano, Josias Tapia, Sonnel Velázquez: Photography Director
Leslie Colombani: Illumination Director
Hernand Cortés: Vtr
Angelo Alberti: Make-up
Raúl Marchand: Editor
Bang Post: Postproduction
Inés Mongil: Director
A Nonstop’s Production
Calin Dan (Romania)
Sample City
10:00, 2003
Jens Salander
Mikael Strömberg
Title of work: The Collossos by the Sea
artist biography
“Time with Franzâ€, video, 2004, 11:00
Dana Levy met Franz during her stay in Austria. He invited her to his countryside home, inherited from his family. There, she discovered boxes of old family photos, Nazi swastikas. Being third generation of the Holocaust, she felt threat, anger, and fear. The movie reflects the way the artist tries to overcome her mixed emotions. The past slowly gives way to the present moment, and to the developing friendship with Franz, despite history. The music is by Die Linzer Philharmonic, conducted by artist Hannes Langeder. The orchestra players are all non professional. The result is an eerie out of tune classical music.
Lital Dotan & Eyal Perry
artists biography
10:00, 2004
The woman artist bandages herself, tightening thorns to her body. The scene is photographed by the male artist from two perspectives that represent an objective and a subjective point of view.
Antonia Valero (Spain)
S/T (sin titulo)
Gudrun Bittner (Spain/Austria)
Title of work: A Dark Glimpse on the White Gloved Mouse, video, 2004, 5:00
Petra Lindholm (Sweden)
Title: Reported Missing, video, 2004, 10:00
Ji-Hyun Kim (South Korea)
Title: “Wo-men, Wo-rld”, video, 2003, 2:40
Andrea Ferrara, Fiorella Nicosia, Polytimi Patapi (Italy)
Title of work Spazio dell’Assenza
6:00, 2004
Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia)
artist biography
Title of work: Hometown, video, 2003, 6:00
Nita Mocanu (Romania)
Waiting Room
10:00, 2003
Rafael Alcalá (Puerto Rico)
artist biography
Title of work: SMOKED, video, 2003, 3:00
Nancy Atakan Turkey)
Titles of work: The wall
2:20, 2004
More details available as PDF
Edition II of Cologne Online Film Festival
was launched online on 12 October 2006 and offline as a part of PI 5 Videofestival Szczecin/Poland and incorporates 34 videos and digital short films on the theme “image vs music“.
Venues 2007
Mobile Institute Brussels/Belgium – 24 AUg
ENTER Caravansarai Festival Istanbul/Turkey 29/30 June
Dutch Electronic Art Festival – unDEAF – Rotterdam/NL 15 April
2nd CeC & CaC – India International Centre New Dehli/India 11/12 Feb
Venues 2006
PI 5 InterMedia Festival National Museum Szczecin/Poland – 20-22 Oct
2nd Festival International Arte Digital Rosario/Argentina – 16-18 Nov
Chroma – Festival de Arte Audiovisual Guadalajara/Mexico – 11-17 Nov
On occasion of the festival launch,
a PDF catalogue is published for free download
selected artists
Andreja Andric (Serbia/Italy)
Title of work:
How the Music Surprises an Unprepared Listener
2006, 24 seconds
“How the Music Surprises an Unprepared Listener” is a funny and playful homage to music by Joseph Haydn, in particular to his Symphony nr. 94 (“Surprise”). The work makes part of the One Liner Videos I & II, a collection of very short videos (5-12s, not counting title screens), for showcasing on informal occasions. The videos actually explore the socializing potential of multimedia mobile devices such as Portable Media Centers. These videos are intended to function as jokes in the flow of a natural conversation. I showed them a number of times up to now, most times while meeting new people – they always get a laugh. I made them using simple equipment: a digital fotocamera Fuji F10, a Tablet PC HP1100, Windows Movie Maker, and some home-made software for sound and music. I usually show them on my Samsung YH-999 Portable Media Center. Although based on simple non-verbal humor, they are inspired by one-liners by famous stand-up comedians Rodney Dangerfield and Henny Youngman. The other source of inspiration was a paper by Thomas Veatch “A Theory of Humor”, published in “Humor – an International Journal for Humor Research”, in 1998. The videos usually play on the contrast of a serious/artsy title and completely off-the-wall or childish content. I firmly believe that extremely short humorous works, fun and playful, easy to understand, up to the point and without any sort of self-pity, should be the true artistic form for our time. The possibility that the artist might carry his/her portfolio on a pocket device (like Portable Media Center, iPod Video, Pocket PC, or a Smartphone) and showcase works any time and anywhere, brings the contemporary art out of formal art galleries into everyday social life.
MAURO ARRIGHI & Marco Buziol (Italy)
Softly engaged
2006, 6:00
Softly Engaged is a journey through a three-dimensional environment based on the earth’s orography and the inner and outer surfaces of the human body. We were researching some of the relationship between the plasticity of both of these living beings.
The shapes of the inner human body and the surface of the earth have some patterns in
common, patterns that we also find in the topography of cities. Those patterns generate
abstract forms which are manipulated in combination with relaxing music. It also represents a military battle where the target is unknown and where you cannot see the
enemy. Soft sound frequencies counterbalance the supposed urgency.
Babel (Canada)
Eden Machine
2006, 2:06
Eden Machine was created for the Collective Intelligence project ( ), a collaborative audio/video remix project with participating artists Angela Huntbach, babel, interno 3, John Parker, Kupidon, Magda Bielesz, Sarawut Chutiwongpeti, C8 and Vera Bighetti. The purpose of Collective Intelligence was to illustrate the possibilities for file-sharing and remixing of audio and video available on the net, and to allow the file-sharing of the newly realized videos according to copyleft logic.
The project’s theme was “Man and Machine”, specifically the influence of machines on daily life. I chose to interpret this as an ‘Eden Machine’, suggesting both the classic dichotomies of man/machine and science/nature and the coincident cycles of human construction and environmental destruction.
Bret Battey (UK)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Autarkeia Aggregatum
2005, 9 min 30 sec.
Autarkeia Aggregatum is an integrated sound and image composition emphasizing continuous flow and transformation. There are no cuts or splices in the visual aspect of the work; it unfolds instead as a constantly evolving, massed animation of a set of over 11,000 individual points.
When seeking a title for the piece, I turned to the Monadology ‹ the philosopher Leibniz’s theory of fundamental particles of reality (monads). I appropriated the two words from that work: autarkeia (Greek) for self-sufficiency, and aggregatum (Latin) meaning joined, aggregated. The terms together appropriately suggest an aggregation of the activities of autonomous entities. More subtly, a resonance with Classicism draws me to the words. The resonance is one of an inner fullness of being expressed outwardly in elegant, self-sufficient restraint.
Daniel Blinkhorn (Australia)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Resource 14
2005 – 06 , 5:40
Resource 14 seeks to bring to our attention some of the more hidden attributes of sand in a multitude of different environments. Through a combination of field recordings/ images and extensive software manipulations of the field recordings and images, Resource 14 portrays in both a macroscopic and microscopic sense, the intimacy as well as dramatic intensity that can be generated by sand in a variety of settings…
To create the audio component for the work I recorded a handful of sandstone rocks crashing together, sand trodden underfoot, sand trickling and being scraped on a variety of surfaces and small sandstone pebbles rolling along wooden and marble floors. Through manipulating the recordings via software I have also achieved a sense of sand being immersed underwater at various points in the work, even though no water was used in the composition…
To create the visual component for the work I used images/ photography taken from trips I have made in Australia, the Mid East and the USA between 1993 and 2005 and I then extensively edited the images in a variety of computer based production platforms…
Basically, I wanted to create a work that brings to our attention the kinds of intimate yet dramatic and colourful gestures produced by sand as a material that lives alongside side us, accompanying our lives…
The sounds created and images used throughout the work are part of sand, from the sounds made when particles of sand rub and jostle together in dunes, to images of sand underwater, or as it tumbles and scrapes…
When we were able to both see and hear sand up close, especially when we use a little imagination, I suspect it can be a fulfilling experience…
Carol Ann Braun (France)
title :
« Irreversibility »
2000. 2:30
This work is the result of many years of collaboration between three artists : Blake Leland, poet ; Woody Braun, musician ; and Carol-Ann Braun, visual artist.
It is the synthesis of about 20 drafts of an interactive interpretation of a poem, « Irreversibility », read, re-read, brought to music, illustrated, printed out, scanned and animated. Each iteration contributed to the abstraction of the piece, whose individual components became increasingly inter-woven.
Although audible, the poem is no longer « legible ». Its full content is accessible through its spoken and musical version, in counterpoint to a fast forward / rewind of the visuals.
Bundaberg Media Research Group (BMRG)
artist’s biography
Sweet Sounds of a Sugar Town: Raw to Refined
2005, 05:58
“Sweet Sounds of a Sugar Town” is a hybrid CD/DVD
produced by the BMRG. The project contains a collection of musical and audio-visual compositions inspired by the soundscapes and rhythms of the Bundaberg Sugar Industry. The “Raw to Refined” movie which is submitted here, is one of eight separate audio-visual compositions, each concentrating on a different aspect of the sugar industry. The DVD as a whole features audio and video recordings of the sugar industry — recorded in the sugar mills, during cane harvesting, during irrigation, and at cane burns — set to music, and accompanied on drums and percussion by local musician Dane Costigan. The project spans the agricultural, industrial, socio-cultural and environmental contexts of the sugar industry. It focuses on the various stages of the sugar product-cycle, but also gives equal weight to the environmental context: to the birds, insects, amphibians and animals that live in the canefields and surrounding areas.
“Raw to Refined” was shot and recorded in local sugar mills. It is an experimental audio-visual exploration of the industrial context of sugar production, its light, heat, noise and fury. Sound was a primary factor in the development of this project; the soundscapes of the sugar mills are dense, vibrant and complex, a concatenation of hundreds of different processes that combine to create a vast shuddering drone. Interestingly, as sound recordings in the mills continued, it became evident that the drone of the sugar mills maintained a constant pitch, and would lend itself well to musical accompaniment. At the same time as sounds were recorded, work began on composing music to fit with the sounds, and recording imagery to reflect the sonic environment. In this way, “Raw to Refined” emerged as a synthesis of audio and visual material that privileges neither form but rather lets each form influence and commingle with the other.
David Burns (USA)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Visual Orchestra
2006, 2 minutes
Experimental animation and sound work, using color and form, an original music score comes to life. The Visual Orchestra explores relationships between audio rhythms and visual rhythms through the abstract representation of an experimental sonic track.
Matthieu Capel (France)
Mathieu Capel
(((sirène))) – « mermaid » in French – is a project that aspires to propel you into a universe where visual effects and sound are unquestionably linked.
This concept isn’t just about a musical composition nor just a video. It is about the simultaneity between the two, a union where hearing and sight are continuously exchanging. It is important to note that from the start, this piece has always associated sound with visual effects.
The two elements were created at the same time in order to feel this idea of union. However, it isn’t only designed to spectators, but it is also a useful process of creation for the artist. A line can inspire a melody just like a rhythm can suggest a movement. Hence the thought of this perpetual exchange initiated by the project.
Regarding the two videos, the body has been, as you may observe, my main material.
These movements allowed me to hear sounds that I tried to pass on to the computer. In the first piece, each character on the screen corresponds to an instrument. Everything is built upon this movement of beam that we hear in the beginning which matches the bass. The rest of the piece has then grafted itself as to evolve upon this element. As for the second video, we can say it is less systematic; sequences are not perfectly fixed all along the musical piece. Visible fragments of the body product new forms almost abstract in reactivity with sound.
Finally, I wanted to add that it is a project that I would like to expand during live representations in the future.
Sean Capone (USA)
Sean Capone (USA)
The Plain Silvery Side of This Disc
2006, 1:10 mins. Audio by Caural.
This A/V collaboration is a small sketch of emotional click-and-cut abstraction. Audio provided by NY-based musician Caural (Zach Mastoon), on Mush Recordings. This piece continues my investigation into the materiality and form of virtual objects and the fluctuating space between visual abstraction and representation.
Jason Cardot (USA)
2006, 2 mins 54 secs
“Speye” is actually a work primarily concerned with the idea of synesthetics, or the ability to use one sense to evoke another. This piece is supposed to simulate an experience of getting progressively more dizzy, based on visuals and audio. I really enjoy this piece, as I hope you will as well.
2005, 5:02
“Mutations”, is about mental mutation. The work surrounds itself in vivid color and confidence. Color and shape guide the character through internal and external change. As the inside begins to turn back time, the outside still churns on, seemingly splitting time and memory. The work displays a will to remember.
Melissa Day
Whistle (Great is Thy Faithfulness)
2006, 1 minute
A woman whistles a hymn, ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness.’ The image of the woman and the sound of herself whistling are out of sync, literally dislocated from each other. The layered whistling of her own voice is also slightly out of sync in the refrain, further emphasizing the sense of disconnect. This piece develops ideas explored in an another recent sound-video work with layered humming, entitled, Doxology.
Whistler: Catriona Day.
Eva Drangsholt
I Should Have Been Somewhere Else
2004, 8:30
is a video performance exploring emotions associated with anxiety, stress, and uncertainty.
Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir (Iceland)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Music in Cake
2005, 03.23 min.
A young girl is sitting by a table. On the table is a pink and white cake and after
a few seconds, little white mice come peaking out of the cake. A closeup shows
that the girl is slowly pushing a small hook out of her mouth until it´s hanging
from her mouth on a string covered in blood. With the hook hanging out from her
mouth, she watches the mice run around on the table until she suddenly pulls one
of them up by the tail and brings it to her mouth.
Angie Eng (USA)
Angie Eng
Angie Eng interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
artist’s biography
Souvenirs 2
2006, 00:02:08
Souvenirs is a collection of short video vignettes written for music by different composers. Odd objects and memorabillia is given to the artist in a box. The artist uses a small mini-camera to manipulate the objects into a false narrative to the music. In this example, the music is written by David Weinstein. The video recording process is completed only one time
without a script, but the sound is driving the movement and interaction between the objects. A dialogue is created between sound and visual which completes a story that the artist interprets improvisationally as the objects are discovered.
Erika Frenkel (Brazil)
Attention, Attention
4:40 – 2004
Questioning of the veracity of the work as the subject of the action. As the feminine pose that suggests civility and kindness, the woman as the image of credibility, the family and the word. The questioning in an erudite or in an ordinary manner.
Doron Golan (USA)
Try Jah Love
2006, 4:46 min.
Starring Theodore Bouloukos. Edit by David Soll.
Sinasi Günes (Turkey)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
2006, 03:03
The artist is turning a basic action of cleaning his guitar into a hearable performance.
He is showing the invisible visions in an ironic way.
Anatol Kraczyna (Italy)
2006, 2’40”
God: Supreme Justice…
In His name, men will make justice prevail against Evil…In His name any action is justified… – At least for some men. Those men know for shure where God stands. Where God lies. Where God is buried… – Under the sand……….Anything goes…In the name of GOD
Lane Last (USA)
Ancient Rhythm
2006, 00:02:34
This work is a synthesis of my interest in the exploration of our human desire to create
experience and an interest in the processes of perception. We “see” before knowing or
consciousness. The utilization of computing technologies and software to totally create
media art both as visualization and experience independent of recorded photographic images is an important artifact of our culture and technological instincts. The work is developed around both video and audio material simultaneously. I feel this hybrid work, video and remediated animation sources, is somewhat experimental as plays with the spectre of a human form and the fluid space of cognition.
Daniel Lo Iacono (Germany)
Daniel Lo Iacono
artist’s biography
Digital Snapshots
(2:30), 2003
is a kind of docu-animation dealing with the correlation of digital manipulations
and candid documentary shots. It was produced as part of a Media Design diploma thesis from the University of Applied Sciences Mainz , Germany in 2003.
What does a moment look like? Can snapshots freeze a moment in time?
In DIGITALSNAPSHOT, motion fragments were captured and rearranged in a new visual context via unconventional digital manipulations. A long take camera movement cycle generates a unique “digital painting”.
In this case DIGITALSNAPSHOT enables the viewer to experience a virtual walk through a beautiful park during summertime.
Girolamo Marri (Italy)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
against all odds – an interview with phil Collins
2006, 07.30 min
I was triggered to use Phil Collins as subject for a video when I heard some story about him divorcing his wife over the phone. I’ve wanted for a while to tackle the subject of divorce and using a pop star as main character eases the simplification of Good and Bad into two well distincted categories, for it is very much the way stars and their actions are presented to us by the media; either Good either Bad, with no nuances. There’s resentment and bitterness in Phil Collins words and also melancholy, very different from what you would expect from a standard “making of” of a video Obviously though, this guy is not Phil Collins, but me. Very undoubtedly me. Phil Collins is just a mask through which I try and let my own views and idiosyncrasies shine. I used to love some of Phil Collins’ songs when I was a kid and this still confuses me. But certain cheesiness has a diabolical appeal and the bits of video I’ve put as intervals in the interview make you laugh but also make you want to sing along. Maybe just to out loud me though. The random act of sadism against the flowers and the goldfish is put there both to enhance this badly hidden violence and to lighten the narrative, creating an enjoyable surreal diversion.
Alistair McClymont (UK)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Dark Side of the Rainbow
2006, 4 minutes 47 seconds
Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd has been dubbed over The Wizard of Oz. The relationship between Dark Side of the Moon and The Wizard of Oz has been the subject of a long standing urban myth / conspiracy. A search on google reveals the interest in this subject.
Dennis H. Miller (USA)
Circles and Rounds
2006, 9′ 22″
Circles and Rounds explores a variety of circular paths, processes and forms within a virtual environment. The work is in four sections and is unified by recurring visual and musical elements. All images were created with Maxon Cinema 4D, and the music was composed using a variety of tools, including Native Instruments Reaktor and Applied-Acoustics Tassman.
Mylicon/EN (Italy)
2004, 4’07”
Stylaria: “an extraordinary worm from the limnic benthos and phytal… gently swimming between water plants. It is extraordinary due to its very long flexible thigmic proboscis. Eventually, chains of asexually produced animals can be seen”.
Water, liquids, fluidity are the common elements of the Mylicon/En live set. Starting from images taken from one of last Mylicon/En live set, (created using only a straw and a videocamera), we played the game of being in a biological lab looking for Stylaria and other “freaks of nature” as biologists call the invisible but incredibly wonderful animals living in water.
The soundtrack has been created reducing at the minimum the samples and the elements for the composition: only two different short drum samples have been filtered and combined (hit-hat and bass drum); we followed the evolution of images like in a western movie, in the climax of which there is a sort of “duel”.
Pygar (Portugal)
Hugo Olim Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
2004, 3:18
The reproduction of a monitor turned on and off, conceived by Hugo Olim and accompanied by the music of João Ricardo, represents the switching between reality and virtuality.
Leticia El Halli Obeid (Argentina)
2001, 2:33 min
This piece was made with fragments of songs sung by a series of persons who were invited to pick a favourite song and sing it while they heard it through headphones. The point was that the volume had to be high enough so that they wouldn´t hear their own voices. Thus, by loosing control of the result they are doing a sort of translation but, as it happens usually, the singer keeps a sort of illusion about his/her own voice: the sound that they are hearing replaces the real one and works as a sort of mask, giving them the feeling that they are singing like their loved solist or band.
Jimmy Owenns (France)
Ttle :
2004, 7’00
Video work, from Japanese TV-Shows, about repetition of body’s gesture and movement. This repetition gives an erotic signification but also a hysteric meaning.
Simone Paterson (USA)
Waiting at the Gates of Heaven
2006, 4mins
Is a 4 min. digital video piece that places freshly displaced souls at the entrance to heaven.
The stream of souls appear to be never ending as each person morphs into the next.
The audio enhances the circular narrative and yet provides a climax to the piece.
A slow building rumbling sound seems to overcome the hypnotic visuals as
if the gates of heaven are finally opening.
Waiting at the Gates of Heaven was filmed entirely on location, Paris, May 2006.
Samuel Pellman (USA)
Vaporis Congeries Magnae
2004, 1′ 38″
When Voyager 2 passed by Uranus in January of 1986 it returned photographs of a big, blue-green ball of gas with few readily discernible features. More recent observations from Earth-orbit have confirmed evidence of great winds and related meteorological phenomena in the atmosphere that is Uranus. More detailed conceptions of the Uranian environment, however, must remain in our imaginations, at least for now.
Vaporis Congeries Magnae (“Great Gobs of Gas”) was realized in Csound on a Macintosh G4 laptop computer. The digital instruments used to create the sounds include both formant wave synthesis (FOF) and frequency modulation synthesis (FM) components. The pitches of the piece are tuned in a 7-limit just intonation, with a few microtonal alternations in some places where the arithmetic provides two or more possible tunings for a given note.
Laurent Pernot (France)
Still Alives
2005, 2.34mn
This project of musical video, by linking the languages of animation and the video compositing, puts in dynamic report a series of old and more recent photographic images, and from various sources (Hungary, Germany, France, Russia, etc). The camera (here virtual) plunges in a luminous child’s face and lets us cross over a sequence of portraits in morphing, and hence, which seem to be animated the ones with the others, like an unique alive flesh… until the rise and the obliteration of each face into the nothingness. Still Alives calls a broad concept about the transmission of life, memory and disappearance. Thus, it tries to propose, by the construction of a poetic universe, an arborescent and universal vision of the human being.
Henrique Roscoe aka VJ 1MPAR (Brazil)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Title :
For the masses
2005 /6:03
The mass industry needs cultural products for its sustenance. Standardization, amplification, and the unity in the transmission of information. The nonstop repetition of signals that everyone listens, and follows without questioning. Inspired by the Russian Construtivism, where the art was on the service of the state for the spreading of its propaganda, “for the masses” brings graphical elements from this movement. The use of abstract and geometric shapes transforms into images the minimal music of overlap elements, constructing a narrative of colors, shapes and movement.
Rob Seward (USA)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Music Study IV
2006, 2min 6sec
Music Study IV is several takes of someone flipping edited according to music theory
paradigms. The audio is what was on the stereo while the flip was shot. The original
audio and physical action become almost unrecognizable through the editing process; what would otherwise be simple footage of someone flipping becomes transcendent.
Gabriel Shalom (USA)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
Small Room Tango
2004, 3:40
A young man enters a small piano practice room and approaches the piano hesitantly. He finally sits at the piano bench and commences to play a passionate and difficult piece of music. At the song’s completion, he sighs cathartically, stows his sheet music within the piano bench and exits the practice room.
Shawn Towne (USA)
Interview on VIP – VideoChannel Interview Project
linear succession
2006, 45 seconds
Linear succession is an enhanced version of straight video feedback, as it incorporates editing, pixel manipulation, and the addition of sound. The compositions depict my interest in light, pattern making, and transformation. The addition of sound heightens the videos by punctuating the transitions, creating a sense of evolution, life and elemental change. Sound relates directly to the movements and structural patterns contained in the videos. The work is ultimately about relationships, concerning technology and light working symbiotically, objective and subjective responses and placing influence over chaotic systems.
Sonja VUK (Croatia)
2006, 1:00
The title and initial idea comes from furious Sid Vicious’ performance of the song «My
Way».Specific spitful way of singing evokes track of rebellion but yet lack of stranght to
change anything. It, usually, happens in everyday life. Everything depends on how and where we are raised, conscious and unconscious consequences of our education, political climate, tradition, religion, social and historical context, familly relations… What we were, what we wanted to be and what we became… Further, how we deal with our inhibitions, with more or less success and failures in life, the way we choose, way which was imposed by context of life… My generation in Croatia grown up as good Tito’s pioneers. The word and the meaning of the word we have learned during iniciation at the first day of elementary school.
Evey letter meant affirmative word: P – being honest, I – sincere, O – daring, N – imperturbable, I – truthloving, R – diligent.
That was optimistic time of our childhood when was expected to fallow these ideals. Also,we had dreams about future, about what we want to be, what we want to do… But, personal stories destroy common ideals from the childhood. We, often, turn into opposites not even knowing how and when it happened. Although, we struggle sometimes but often can’t struggle enough against our determinate way.
Selections of Cologne OFF II
were presented on
selection “image vs music Iâ€
ENTER Caravansarai Istanbul/Turkey
27 – 30 June 2007 –
CeC & CaC India International Centre New Dehli/India
9-11 February 2007 –
Festival International de Arte Digital Rosario/ Argentina
Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas de Rosario
16-18 November 2006
8th CHROMA – Festival de Arte Audiovisual Guadalajarra/ Mexico
12-17 November 2006 –
PI 5 Video Festival Szczecin/Poland
National Museum Szczecin & Officyna Art Space Szczecin
20-22 October 2006
CologneOFF – 3rd edition of Cologne Online Film Festival
Venues 2008
Yeosu International Art Festival (Yeosu/S.Korea) – 30/08 – 20/09 2008
Videofestival Celje (Slovenia) – 2-6 July 2008
Athens Video Art Festival (Greece) 11-13 April 2008
French Cultural Centre André Maraux Sarajevo/Bosnia – 8-21 March
3rd CeC & CaC – India International Centre New Dehli/India -11-13 Feb
Les Inattendus – film festival Lyon/France – 21-27 January
Videoart on Kinolevchuk Lviv/Ukraine – 12 January
Venues 2007
3rd International Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina – 15-17 Nov
24 Hours of Nuremberg – 10/11 November 2007 Nuremberg/Germany
6th Digital Art Festival Maracaibo/Venezuela – 7-17 Oct
1st Digital Art Festival Bahia Blanca/Argentina 13-14 Sept
VIP Art Gallery Belgrade/Serbia – 19 Nov
Toon! Toon!
art cartoons and animated narratives
will be launched in November 2007 in the framework of
the 1st common festival of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne
Enter CologneOFF III here
These films are selected
Their Circumstances by Ji Hyung Ahn (South Korea)
Prostituto, ta. by Silvia Cacciatori Filloy (Uruguay)
Brand New Morning by Konstantin Dimitriev (Russia)
The Changing Man by Rami Fischler (Australia)
Controlled Dream Machine by Anaisa Franco (Brazil)
Tomorrow by Kaspars Groshevs (Latvia)
A Dollhouse is… by Henry Gwiazda (USA)
Pilot/Gamer by Gerald Habarth (USA)
Swimming Pamela -Running Ken by Ina Lotzl (Austria)
Where Stories Come From by Lycette Bros. (Australia)
Apokalypse Cow by Man Kim (South Korea/USA)
Radiocar by Hermes Mangialardo (Italy)
Krypt by Lars Nagler (Germany)
Rain Terrain by Martin Oja (Estonia)
Bustle by Ying-Fang Shen (Taiwan)
Are You Cool Helen? by Nadja Solari (Switzerland)
Lefty’s Pathos by Simon Streatfeild (Australia)
Evil Fun with Zimmy by Andy Sykes (UK)
Scratch by Alexander Satim Timofeev (Russia)
Particula by topo – Leonardo R. Beltrán Navarro (Chile)
Download the festival catalogue as PDF for free
CologneOFF III – film festival catalogue
Retrospective Feature Nick Fox-Gieg
artist biography
featuring these 9 films/videos
All about the Magnet, 2002, 0:36
Disarmed , 2002, 2:42
Peace Through Strength, 2002, 2:54
Mother of All Bomb, 2003, 1:46
Six Premonitions, 2003, 2:13
The Foxhole Manifesto, 2004, 4:10
I Wanna Be Famous, 2005, 2:54
The Little Bird of Disaster, 2006, 2:40
The Option of War, 2006, 6:30
was launched first in physical space at Museum of Contemporary Art (MACZUL) Maracaibo/Venezuela in the framework of the annual festival “Salon de Arte Digital” – 2-9 October 2008.
Venues 2009
OK Video festival national Gallery Jakarta/indonesia – 28 Juli – 9 Aug 2009
Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece – 10-12 July 2009
Image Contre Nature – Experimental Film Festival Marseille/F – 7-11 July 2009
Crosstalk Video Art Festival Budapest/HU – 23-27 June 2009
MUV – Music and Digital Art Festival Florence/Italy – 14-17 June 2009
7th International Film Festival Yerewan 2009 – 17-24 May 2009
Goethe Institute Rabat/Morocco Nuit Blanche 2 April 2009
700IS Reindeer Film Festival/ Iceland- 27-28 March 2009
Videoformes – int. Festival Video & New Media Clermont-Ferrand/F 11-28 March 2009
CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity New Dehli/India -27 Feb – 1 March 2009
Venues 2008
Optica Video Festival & Sala Lai Gijon/Spain – 8-14 November 2008
24h of Nuremberg Film Festival Nuremberg/GE – 7/8 November 2008
8th International Meeting of Intell & Artists Caracas/VE – 13-18 Oct 2008
Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL Maracaibo/VE – 2-9 October 2008
AZA – Digital Cinema Festival Thessaloniki/GR – 25-28 September 2008
BuSho – Budapest Shortfilm Festival 2008 – 5-7 September 2008
CologneOFF IV consists of three festival components
—> (de)materialization LAB
—> memory LAB
—> identitymix LAB
—> (de)(re)socialization LAB
—> re-performance LAB
—> re-naturation LAB
The final selections are made in 3 program categories
CologneOFF IV OFF – the official festival selection —> see below
CologneOFF IV LAB – the extended festival program
CologneOFF IV Mother – special festival program on the theme “Mother”
35 selected films for
CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
official festival program
“Etude” by Dario Bardic (2007, 3:20, Croatia)
“JOINED AT THE HEAD” by David Jakubovic (2008, 4:40, USA)
“The Occidentialist” by Daniel SlÃ¥ttnes (2007, 1:18, Norway)
“Meeting Florchen Gordon” by Grace Schwindt (2008, 4:29, UK)
“J.F.’s Toolbox” by Virginie Foloppe (2004, 5:50 France)
“Foreigner-Straniero” by Giuseppe Girardi (2008, 6:56, Italy)
“El Camino-The Way” by Felipe Matilla Alonso (2008, 12:00, Spain)
“Africa” by Ane Lan (2007, 4:34, Norway)
“Fashion Death” by Daniel Rodrigo (2007, 4:53, Spain)
“Spaghetti” by Carla Della Beffa (2007, 2:42, Italy)
“Anatolia” by Sinasi Günes (2006, 2:18, Turkey)
“Switch” by Yu Cheng Yu (2008, 4:32, Taiwan)
“A Growing White Stone” by Shoko Toda (2008, 14:34, Japan)
“Dear Neighbour” by Christian Bermudez (2006, 7:00, Costa Rica)
“Is Fighting Our Machine” by Liu Wei (2003, 4:10, China)
“Eungyung – I have always been a foreigner” by Maria Ylikoski (2008, 11:15, Finland)
“N.Orleans” by Julio Velaso (2008, 5:20, Colombia)
“Opened” by Jay Needham (2006/2007, 5:00, USA)
“Coagulate” by Mihai Grecu (2008, 5:56, Romania)
“Testimony” by Nhieu Do (2008, 7:12, USA)
“Scalable City New Trailer” by Sheldon Brown (2008, 4:00, USA)
“Undisclosed Beauty” by Anders Weberg (2008, 3:13, Sweden)
“Tin Can Crowns” by Mikael Prey aka Fetish23 (2007, 12:00, Sweden)
“Suspect” by Magsamen + Hillerbrand (2008, 3:30, USA)
“Nocturne” by Bill Domonkos (2006, 4:43, USA)
“Rise” by Michal Brzezinski (2006, 2:03, Poland)
“Who is Miri Nishri” by Miri Nishri (2008, 14:00, Israel)
“A journey through the South-Sami Lappish country” by Linda Persson encounter with Sami tales and Yoiks” (2008, 14:47, Sweden)
“Test Phantom” by Robin Kiteley (2007, 5:03, UK)
“Beautiful Landscape” by Pietro Mele (2006, 1:46, Italy)
“Levitateâ…£-Tomato Juice” by Yu Chung-I (2005, 1:47, Taiwan)
“Interception” by Roch Forowicz (2007, 11:33, Poland)
“Abarodh (The Confinement)” by Swakkhyar Deka (2008, 14:37, India)
“Displaced Treshold” by Brad Schwede (2008, 7:19, Australia)
“Reigning Cats and Dogs” by Michael Fortune (2007, 15:00, Ireland)
CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
represents the extended festival program of CologneOFF IV, featuring selected film and video works which fit in their excellece in the theme of “Here We Are!â€, but did not match the concept of the OFF (official) festival selection. The artists’ names are associated to certain categories. Not all selected artists are listed yet and the association to a certain category may also change until 30 September.
CologneOFF IV LAB – PDF catalogue
consists of a bunch of aspect categories —>
CologneOFF IV LABs
(de)materialization LAB
“LUCID: February/March†by Barrett, Amanda (2008, 5:21, USA)
“jeu fabriqué†by Blinkhorn, Daniel (2007, 10.11, Australia)
“Rebirth†by Burns, David (2006, 5:00, USA)
“Lu Deux Fois†by Domonkos, Bill (2006, 3:11, USA)
“Bluescape†by Ebert Brothers (206, 2:54, Germany)
“Void/Light†by Niemetz, Anne (2007, 4:05, Germany)
“electromagnetic plot†by Fitz, Matthias (2008, 6:58, Germany)
“FA–RXTO†– by Sansolo, Carlo (2006, 10:00, Brazil)
“On the Couch†by Ho, Jaye (204, 1:40, UK)
“Study on landscape & time: the Korsakoff’s syndrome†by Lemeh42 (2008, 4:20, Italy)
“BETA†by Reyna, Alexander (2006, 2:37, USA)
“The Hardstand†by HSIEH, Jo-Lin (2007, 0:48, Taiwan)
“The Bitty Anomy†by Lo, Yi-Chun (Taiwan)
“Mirages†by Prey, Mikael (aka Fetish23) (2007, 6:52, Sweden)
“Blasting Experiments†by Daniel Tésy (2007, 3:05, Hungary)
memory LAB
“Memory†by Walters, E.W. (2007,2:34, Poland)
“claudia and paul 2:13 a.m†by Gwiazda, Henry (2008, 4:17, USA)
“Recitation†by LOGAN KEVIN (2007, 4:30, UK)
“alpha†by Lossgott, Kai (2007, 3:17, South Africa)
“Sars†by Wei, Liu (2003, 4:09, China)
“Good Bye East Germany (22 years later)†by Smolarz, Elisabeth (2007, 5:24, USA/Germany)
“the following soul†by Yu, Cheng Yu (2007, 9:31, Taiwan)
“Present Tense†by O’Sullivan, Richard (2007, 8:40, UK)
“Dispersion†by Piotr Nowak / Samuel Van Ransbeeck (2008, 5:10, Poland/Belgium)
“Benzodreams†by Bolger, Darren (2007, 4:23, Ireland)
“Troubled Water†by Miri Nishri (2007, 12:00, Israel)
“The Rosary | Sibha as a Communal Sculpture†by Richard Jochum (2007/2008, 5:08, Austria/USA)
“Bvfrs†– by Sansolo, Carlo (2006, 5:45, Brazil)
3.identity (re) mix LAB
“Hackney Girl†by Flitman, Ian (2003, 15:00, UK)
identitymix LAB
“My Words†by Burchell, Kenzie (2008, 2:00, UK)
“Trace†by Yin-Ling Chen (2007, 5:36, Taiwan)
“Artists†by Chio, Angelica (2008, 4:00, Mexico/Germany)
“Marilyn Monroe: Misfits†by Galvin, Kirsten (2007, 2:48, USA)
“Egoshooter III†by Helzle, Wolf (2008, 1:00, Germany)
“Europa†by Lan, Ane (2004, 04:04, Norway)
“Gestures†by Shatalova, Oksana (2007, 3:00, Kazakhstan)
“Output†by Shea, Pip (2008, 5:25, Australia)
“trinityRGB†by Lapcevic, Milica & Sojat, Vladimir (2008, 6:03, Serbia)
“70 Still Frames and 5 Minutes 50 Seconds of Video†by Holden, Sam (2007, 5:50, UK)
“Background†by Peruzovic, Filip (2008, 4:56, Croatia)
“Freedom†by Vilmar da Silva José (2007, 1:07, Brazil)
“apart cisne†by Érika Fraenkel (2004, 2:20, Brazil)
“I am – Soy†by Bruno Bresani (2007, 3:20, Brazil)
“13 Buildings†by Jay Needham (2005, 5:00, USA)
(de)(re)socialization LAB
“Suicide†by Alexandre, Borja (2007, 8:00, Spain)
†Stones†by Bruno Bresani (2007, 7:34, Italy)
“Aislado†by Gerard Freixes Ribera (2007, 3:27, Spain)
“My Grandfather was taken by the Fairies†by Michael Fortune (2006, 12:00, Ireland)
“Planet Spa†by ŽELJKA FUDERER LEVAK (2008, 5:09, Croatia)
“Hitchhiker†by Yoko FUKUSHIMA (2007, 2:03, Japan)
“Acquaintences†by Irina Novarese (2007/2008, 10:41, Italia)
“(d)espere†by Nicole Rademacher (2006, 1:00, USA)
“Let’s Make a Deal†by Rafael (2008, 2:45, Belgium)
“Three Minute Lease On Life†by Arthur Reynolds (2006, 3:38, USA)
“I see you†by Arthur Tuoto (2008, 1:54, Brazil)
“Alcoholic†by Vilmar da Silva José (2007, 0:57, Brazil)
“Art of Tears†by Alison Williams (2008, 4:53, South Africa)
“Interview with the Destructor†by Aryn Zev (2007, 2:24, USA)
re-naturation LAB
“Pure Nature†by Juriaan Moolhuysen (2007, 25:00, Netherlands)
re-performance LAB
“Here We Are†by Danielle Adair (2006, 11:05, USA)
“Personal Text Public Body†by Beatrice Allegrati (2007, 15:00, UK)
“eZS : sequenza 1†by Alessandro Brucini (2006, 4:39, Italy)
“The I†by Sandra S. Chiu (2008, 8:30, Taiwan)
“Still Life: Israel Eats Itself†by Tobaron Waxman – Yoni Niv – Elad Shniderman (2008, 10, 15, USA)
“Fratelli d’Italia†by Carla Della Beffa (2007, 1:44, Italy)
“SUTTSTEVE†by Valentina Ferrandes (2007, 3:03, Spain)
“Similoides 2†by Erika Fraenkel (2004, 12:00, Brazil)
“For Display Only†by Jeff Gompertz (2007, 1:45, USA)
“Code†by Isidora Ilic (2007, 5:20, Serbia)
“Finding Himself In A Thaumatrope†by Jesse La Flair (2008, 1:10, USA)
“The Crowning†by Magrin, Alberto (2008, 2:21, Italy)
“Cheese Puffs†by Mary Magsamen & Stephan Hillerbrand (2007, 2:00, USA)
“When modernity isn’t like eating a Danone low fat yoghurt†by Pietro Mele (2006, 2:18, Italy)
“Friday†by Mark Ramsel Salvatus (2008, 1:30, Philippines)
“Untitled (edited performance 3)†by Joshua & Zachary Sandler (2007, 7:00, USA)
“Redefinition†by Skender, Martina (Croatia) (2008, 5:20, Croatia)
“Dancing Queen†by Roy Sumit (2007, 1: 29, India)
“Inhabitants†by Agnes Szelag (2008, 9:24, Poland/USA)
“Play!†by GerGer (2006/2007, 2:04, Austria)
“That’s All†by Jason Dee (2005, 2:00, UK)
CologneOFF IV – Here We Are!
CologneOFF – Mother
selected videos
“Pastry†by Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir (2005, 5:51, Iceland)
“I Carry Your Heart†by Jessica Curry (2008, 6:11, UK)
“Mother†by Antti Salvela (2008, 1:00, Sweden)
“Mother and Lost Daughter†by Joshua & Zachary Sandler (2008, 3:54, USA)
“Stop Stealing My Face†by Grace Graupe-Pillard (2007, 3:11, USA)
“Timed Out†by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (2008, 9:35, Germany)
“Matter†by Jeanette Louie (2008, 8:00, USA)
“Ma-mma (Marilyn)†by Caterina Davinio (2008, 1:00, Italy)
“New Samples†by Marina Landia (2006, 4:20, UK)
“Mother-Mater†by Paolo Bonfiglio (2007, 7:20, Italy)
“Mother, daughter, light and water†by Henry Gwiazda (2005/2008, 1:27, USA)
“Mamo/Mother†by Anders Weberg (2008, 2:30, Sweden)
“Mothertext†by Karen Trask (1999, 11:17, Canada)
“She was also there†by Nicole Pruckermayr (2008, 5:49, Austria)
“The Criers†by Elham Rokni (2007, 13:46, Israel)
“Walk With Me†by Nicole Rademacher (2007, 1:08, USA)
“Mama†by Richard Jochum (2008, 1:35, USA/Austria)
“Mirror Mama†by Shelagh Fenner (2005, 4:54, UK)
“Between Love and Duty†by Sonja Vuk (2008, 6:25, Croatia)
“Apparition # II†by Anahita Hekmat (2006, 2:59, Iran)
“Spring is here again†by Pekka Ruuska (2008, 1:00, Finland)
“Force Fields†by Magsamen & Hillerbrand (2008, 3:30, USA)
“Tinchi Tamba Wetlands†by Natasha Cordasic (2007, 6:38, Australia)
“Find at Solaris†by Antonio Alvarado (2008, 11:39, Spain)
“Pergus and the Ectoplasm†by Magnus Irvin (2007, 3:00, UK)
“Mother†by Anna Bieluszko & Magdalena Jachimiak (2008, 14:52, Poland)
CologneOFF IV Mother – PDF catalogue
CologneOFF V – Taboo! Taboo?
5th edition of Cologne Online Film Festival
is directed and chief curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Venues 2010
AllArtNow International New Media Art Festival Damascus/Syria – 25-30 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
Fonlad – Digital Art Festival – 15-28 May Coimbra/PT – CologneOFF V
One Shot – International Shortfilm Festival Yerewan/Armenia
17-24 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
Athens Video Art Festival – 7-9 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
Oslo Screen Festival – 12-14 March 2010 –
CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity New Dehli/India – 19 -21 Feb 2010
Venues 2009
Rauland Kunstforening 8Norway) 30 December 2009
MICROWAVE – New Media Arts Festival Hong Kong – 13 Nov – 11 dec 2009
FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Guarda/Pt – 14 Nov’09 – 03 Jan ’10
Videoart Festival Maracaibo/Ve – 7-8 October 2009
Busho – Budapest Intern. Short Film Festival – 1-5 Sept 2009
Program 1
International section
Delivery, 2008, 14:00 by Marianna and Daniel O’Reilly (UK)
Corporate Warfare, 2005, 3:32 by Casey McKee (USA)
Noli Me Tangere, 2008, 6:20 by Masha Yozefpolsky (Israel)
Into Eden, 2009, 12:46 by Jym Davis (USA)
Via Crucis, 2008, 4:00 by Marita Contreras (Peru)
BOO!, 2008, 4:00 by Erika Yeomans (USA)
Slapstick Social, 2008, 15:25 by Frank Gatti (France)
Hole in the Floor, 2008, 7:00 by Heidi Kumao (USA)
Motorized Ordeal, 2009, 8:46 by Les Riches Dounaniers (France)
(Buried) Over The Roofs, 2009, 11:00 by Alex Lora (Spain)
The Kurukshetra-Report, 2009, 8:00 by Ascan Breuer (Germany)
Roghieh, 2009, 5:30 by Alysse Stepanian (Iran)
I love you so much I could kill for you, 2009, 3:20 by Boris Sribar (Serbia)
BIP, 2009, 7:30 by Karlos Alastruey (Spain)
Who lives in My Head, 2009, 4:30 by Margarida Paiva (Portugal)
TheTunnel, 2008 3:36 by Soumendra Padhi (India)
Picking Cherries, 2009, 15:00 by Ioannis Roumeliotis (Greece)
Everything is Urgent, 2008, 4:08 by Ran Slavin (Israel)
The Art Reception, 2006, 11:20 by Ulf Kristiansen (Norway)
Program 2
International section
Habeas Corpus, 2008, 7:20 by Renata Padovan (Brazil)
Forbidden City, 2007, 4:15 by Lily & Honglei (China)
Partition, 2009, 8:00 by Holly Rodricks (USA)
Murdered Brides, 2007, 2:09 by Arzu Ozkal Telhan (Turkey)
Scale of reference, 2008, 7:43 by Daniel Desiderio Páez Castillo & Carolina Padilla Villarraga (Spain)
Red Star, 2009, 2:49 by Milica Rakic (Serbia)
Anonymous Soldiers Don’t Tell Your Mother, 2005, 6:00by Haim Ben Shitrit (Israel)
Reconstruction, 2008, 15:00 by Sonja Vuk (Croatia)
Essay for a surveillance video, 2009, 5:26 Arthur Tuoto (Brazil)
Basbas, 2009, 4:49 by Joaquin Gasgonia Palencia (Philippines)
How to Clean a Puddle, 2008, 1:47 by Roland Wegerer (Austria)
Everyday Occurrences, 2004, 8:00 by Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan)
Etude Red and Blue, 2008, 3:31 by Vladimir Mitrev (Bulgaria)
War is Good for Business, 2009, 3:06 by Jill Sigman (USA)
The Wild Goose, 2009, 3:6 by My name is Scot (Canada)
Pass, 2009, 1:00 by Istvan Rusvai (Hungary)
White, 2009, 1:00 by Lin Fangsuo (China)
Program 3
International section
Sacrificial, 2006, 3:59 by Sinasi Günes (Turkey)
Little Pleasure, 2007, 11:09 by Jamie Marie Waelchli (USA)
Berenice, 2008, 4:31 by Bill Domonkos (USA)
dead SEEquences, 2009, 4:10 by Fabio Scacchioli (Italy)
Rebirth, 2009, 1:07 by Pekka Ruuska (Finland)
Good Trip, Good Hunt, Good Appetite, 2008, 2:54 by Roland Fuhrmann (GER)
Electric Icon, 2009, 13:00 by Aryn Zev (USA)
Cakesitter, 2007, 5:00 by Valerie Garlick (USA)
Bodies and Metals, 2009, 3:00 by Rafael (Belgium)
Cruentation, 2008, 3:48 by Iona Pelovska (Canada)
Which Came First? (Chicken and Egg), 2009, 2:08 by Anna FC Smith (UK)
Ophelia, 2006, 4:30 by Virginie Foloppe (France)
Pig’s Feet, 2007, 10:22 by Priscilla Pomeroy (Mexico)
Lolita, 2007, 0:43 by Carla Della Beffa (Italy)
Elena in the Prison of Herself, 2006, 6:58 by Julio Orta Villarreal (MX)
Silent, 2007, 1:16 by Silvana Dunat (Croatia)
The Magnitude of the Continental Divide, 2009, 6:00 by Chis Coleman (USA)
As Angels under Snow, 2008, 1:00 by Luana Visciglia (Italy)
Anomia, 2008, 4:50 by Nuria Frogoso (Mexico)
Program 4
German section
A Beautiful Day, 2009, 3:32 by Philip Matousek
One’s Bits and Pieces (Siebensachen), 2004, 3:00 by Anna Porzelt
Seidene Stille (Silken Silence), 2009, 30:00, by Amorea Cosmalion
UpStairs, 2008, 15:00 by Jonas Ungar
The Visitors (Der Besuch), 2009, 14:55 by Nilgün Serbest & Tobias Kurtz
“Cyclic Islands: Meme´s“, 2009, 9:00 by Sibylle Trickes
Imagines et loci, 2009, 11:57 by Susanne Wiegner
Passing down Frame one, 2007, 10:36 by Maya Schweizer
Stockholm syndrome part 1 – golden mission, 2007, 15 by Amit Epstein
Place & Monster, 2009, 3:00 by Anna Hirschmann
fleeting glimpse (street), 2009, 5:19 by Johanna Reich
In front of us is a wide valley, 2009, 15:50 by Dina Boswank
Program 5
One Minute Films
guest curator Alysse Stepanian
Blast, 2009, 1:00 by Johanna Reich (Germany)
Wormwhole, 2009, 1:00 by Bill Domonkos (USA)
My Way, 2006, 1:00 by Sonja Vuk (CR)
White, 2009, 1:00 by Lin Fangsuo (China)
Pass, 2009, 1:00 by István Rusvai (Hungary)
Wall of China, 2009, 1:00 by Yoko Taketani (Japan)
Mimnemesis, 2007, 1:00 by Pierre-Laurent Cassière (France)
An Application As Self-portrait, 2009, 1:00 by Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan)
My identity by web application, 2009, 1:00 by Junho Oh (South Korea)
A Face, 2009, 1:00by Yin-Ling Chen (Taiwan)
Continuum Continuus (Trailer), 2007, 1:00 by Toni Mestrovic (Croatia)
1 minute crash-course on SEDUCTION, 2009, 1:00 by Sreedeep (India)
Crosslegged, 2008, 1:00 by Baptist Coelho (India)
God’s Wax, 2009, 1:00 by Antonio Alvarado (Spain)
CologneOFF VI – Let’s Celebrate
5 years Cologne International Videoart Festival
Venues 2010
BuSho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival 1-5 September 2010
Simultan Festival – Timisoara/Romania – 30 Sept – 3 October 2010
Dehli International Arts Festival – India – 11-12 December 2010
Venues 2011
26 Jan – 6 Feb Rotterdam – International Film Festival Rotterdam
10 February – Finland (I) – Arctic & Famous Film Festival Jyväskylä
11 Feb – 31 March – Finland (II) – Keuruu Art Museum
19-21 Feb – CologneOFF 2011 India- Carnival of e-Kreativity Sattal
12-15 March – UKRAINE (I) – Goethe Institute, CCA Kiev
16-20 March – UKRAINE (II) – City Art Gallery Kharkiv
18 March – 1 April Rennes (F) – ARTchSO Video Festival
30 March – 2 April ARAD (Ro) – Arad Art Museum
11-17 April –Timisoara (I) (Ro) – Cafekultour Festival
4-8 May – Timisoara (II) (Ro) – Timisoara Short Film Fest
12-15 May Vientiane (Laos) – 2nd Vientinane Int Film Festival
17-24 May Yerewan (Armenia) – Int Filmfestival Yerewan
12-14 May Baltic Sea (I) -Szczecin (Pl) – Szczecin 2016
19-22 May Baltic Sea (II) – St. Petersburg (Ru) – ProArte / NCCA/Smolny
18-22 May Greece (I) – Athens (Gr) – Athens Video Art Festival
26-27-28 May Baltic Sea (III) – Tampere/Fi – Galleria Rajatilla, Arteles
1-2 June – Baltic Sea (IV)– Tallinn .- Estonian Academy of Arts
11-17 July – Madrid – Projector Videoart Festival Madrid
.7-9 July – CologneOFF 2011 Greece (II) – Kalamata Videoart Festival Miden
11-17 July 2011 – CologneOFF 2011 Madrid @ Proyector Festival 2011
The festival theme is referring to 5th Anniversary of CologneOFF and its unsually successful concept as a festival context withouit a static festival location. Since its foundation in 2006, CologneOFF is conceptionally based in Internet, but conquered from this virtual place the physical world whith engaged programs of experimental film and video art. Some of the most successful young film & video artists started their career on CologneOFF before they became successful.
The 6th festival edition in sequence invited an international jury consisting of
who selected among 80 nominated artists
CologneOFF VI – Let’s Celebrate
section 1
1. Shota Gamisonia (Russia) – Field, Clowns, Apple, 2008, 15:00
2. Ayman Azraq (Palestine) – Passport, 2007, 6:30
3. Mohammed Harb (Palestine) – Without Windows, 2009, 5:00
4. Rosa Futuro (Italy) – The Future is Rosy, 2010, 8:00
5. Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Homecoming Artist, 2008, 4:37
6. Dellani Lima – Joacélio Batista (Brazil) – Bolivia, I miss you, 2009, 7:00
7. Robby Rackleff (USA) – Dark Fortress Occult Master of Space: Genesis Genesis, 2009, 3:00
8. Barry Morse (USA) – Mouse’s Birthday, 2010, 3:35
9. Francesca Fini (Italy) – Cry Me, 2009, 4:34
10. Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – The Hope of Enduring Long, 2010, 1:00
11. Cyane Tornatzky (USA) – SELF PORTRAIT:The Home Scientist Gets to Know Herself, 2006, 5:53
12. Angela Washko (USA) – Washko’s PR, 2010, 2:00
section 2
13. Adam Dragojevich (Croatia) – Sweet Memory, 2010, 1:00
14. Bijoyini Chatterjee (Indiia) – When I was, 2009, 9:51
15. Jack Brandtman (Australia) – Nightlife, 2010, 1:00
16. Ulf Kristinansen (Norway) – The Care Bears – 2010, 3:00
17. Emeka Ogboh (Nigeria) – [dis] connection – 2009, 1:58
18. Ocusonic aka Paul O Donoghue (Ireland) – Why Do You Have a Beard? – 2010, 6:02
19. Denise Hood (USA) – Disconnect – 2009, 3:47
20. Irina Gabiani (Georgia) – Diachronicon – 2010, 1:00
21. Sai Hua Kuan (Singapore) – Space Drawing No. 5 – , 2009, 1:02
22. Pablo Fernandez-Pujol (Spain) – 142-143 – 2010, 2:10
23. Johanna Reich (Germany) – Kassandra, 4`00, 2008

section 3
24. (Austria) – WOPPOW – 2010, 00:04:36
25. Nathania Rubin (USA) – My Girl Burn, 2009, 2:54
26. Alicia Felberbaum (UK) – Undressing Room, 2009, 4:30
27. Luc Gut (Switzerland) – Alter Ego, 2008, 2 min
28. Jon Rubin (USA) – I’m Not Me, 2010, 09:22
29. Birger Ã…seson Storaas (Norway) – ) “Playing Soldiersâ€, 2009, 12:12
30. Jeffrey Anderson Bliss (USA) – ‘Telefone’, 2010, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
31. Daveed Shwartz (Israel) – I saw a Mountain, 2009, 5:00
32. Debbie White (Australia) – Version tour, 2006, 4:30 min
33. Karlos Alastruey (Spain) – The Shadow – La sombra, 2009, 7′
34. Richard Bolland (RSA) – I Dream Manenberg, 2010, 15 Minutes
35. Confusion Group (Spain) – Sorry to bother you, 2008, 6´06″
section 4
36. Neringa Naujokaite (Lithuania) – “Horizontâ€, 2010, 8:53 min.
37. Renata Gaspar & Marcin Dudek (Poland) – Axis, 2010, 3:07 min.
38. Marianne & Daniel O’Reilly (UK) – capital’, 2008, 7min
39. Aiko Okamoto (Japan) – Silk (Teardrops-salt) – , 2009, 2:48
40. Marc Thele (Germany) – : breaking free, 2010, 4:11
41. Henry Gwiazda (USA) – on the roof, 2008, 4′16″
42. Roland Quelven (France) – Napolecitta 43, 2010, 1min 10 sec
43. Aysegul Guryuksel (Turkey) – Nobody’s Pet, 2007, 7m
44. David Geiss (Canada) – BASIN, 2010, 8:00
45. Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan) – Adventure Of The Rumbottleâ€, 2004, 2:02
46. Juan Obando (Colombia) – Profesor Bazuco’s “Ultimate Guide To Cultureâ€, 2008, 1:52
47. Tajinder Singh Dhami (UK) – ELECTOTUNING, 2010, 03 min 46 seconds
section 5
48. Alfred Banze (Germany) – Exotica, 2010, 6.30 min
49. Ayatgali Tuleubek (Kazakhstan) – : A beautiful wake-up; 2010, 03: 14
50. John Criscitello (USA) – LAMB 2010, Single Channel DV, 3:43
51. Lukas Matejka (Slovakia) – E-A, 2009, 03:06
52. Megan Daalder (USA) – Painting the Town, 2009, 5’ 42â€
52. Jared Katsiane (USA) – Before War, 2010, 05:40
53. Fintan Ryan (Ireland) – Press Conference; 03/03/2010, 2010, 10:28
54. Maria Canas (Spain) – The Toro’s Revenge, 2006, 2:00
55. Dr. Boston (USA) – I wish I had a date, 2006, 3:15
56. Aleksandar Grozdanovski (Macedonia) – consuming loop, 3:31, 2007
57. Julie Meitz (USA) – JustText, 2010, 03:51
58. Jorge Garcia Velayos (Spain) – THE BEAST / LA BESTIA, 2009, 05’ 20’’
59. Cynthia Domenico (Brazil) – Twist and Turn, 2009, 4min55sec
60. Biying Zhang (China) – In the Field, 2009, 3 minutes 15 seconds
61. Luis Ascanio (Venezuela) – Second station, 2008, 2´31´´
62. Jerome Symons (The Netherlands) – LADIES NIGHT, 2006, 01:00
63. Niamh Heery (Ireland) – Losing the Light, 2009, 5.39
section 6
64. Ciento Volando Collective (Spain) – Walk away from there, 2009, 2:23
65. Gonzalo Cueto (Chile) – Stabilization Image, 2010, 00:04;24
66. Shun Yu Mo (Hongkong) – Before the Election, 2009, 4’54’’
67. Doug Williams (USA) – Back & Forth, 2009, 2:42
68. Filippo Tagliati (Italy) – River City 21 Tokyoâ€, 2010, 6min
69. Boris Eldagsen (Germany) – ) (the show must go on), 2006, 12:00
70. Laura Brocken (UK) – TELL, 2008, 2mins 35secs
71. Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Gekochter Schnee/Cooked Snow, 2010, 6:30
72. Andrew Venell (USA) – The Artist in Situations Not Agreeable to His Nature, Episodes 1, 2008, 29min.
73. Lemeh 42 (Italy) – Inner sound, 2010, 10′
74. Andi McGarry (Ireland) – My Babe Rides the Railroad, 2010, 3 min 4
75. Tadas Tvarionas (Lithuania) – a. In Between ( ), 2010, 13:47 min.
section 7
76. Athur Tuoto (Brazil) – Notes from my heart (2009, Brazil), 2009, 04:00
77. iaaai (France) – Pacience, 2006-2007, 4 min 10 sec
78. Raphaël Blum (France) – T A N G O / Buenos Aires , 2,57 mn (2009 )
79. Darko Stojkov (Serbia) – Grandmother voyage, 2008, 07;14
80. David Boris Miranda Hardy, Hector Falcón Villa, Brandon Watz and
81. Katya Gorker (Chile) – Dientes de Arena, 2010, 7 min 30
82. Giulia Berto & Giulia Forgione (Italy) – Excuse me, what’s queever?, 2008, 06’ 13’’
83. Mikhail Zheleznikov (Russia) – Together – Vmeste, 2010, 4′23
84. Kira Zhigalina (Russia) -Blank or Attempts to Draw at Nothingness, 2008, 6:00
CologneOFF VII – Art & the City
7th festival edition 2011
After it’s online launch on 26 August 2011, CologneOFF VII – Art & the City becomes the 2nd column on which the nomadic festival project “CologneOFF 2011/2012 – videoart in a global context” is standing on.
The motto of the 7th festival edition is “Art & the City”, reflecting the meaning of art in an urban context and the critical view currenty social, cultural, political and ecological conditions of the urban living environment.
Venue 2011
Shams The Sunflower Art Centre Beirut – 30 August- 3 September
BuSho – Budapest Intern. Shortfilm Festival (Hu) – 1-5 September
Waterpieces Contemporary Art & Video Festival -8-10 September –
Arte Video Rome Festival 2012 – 21-23 October
ExTeresa Arte Actual Mexico City – 10-11 November
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Mexico City – 14-18 November
International Videoart Festival Camaguey (Cuba)– 25 Nov – 2 Dec
Centro de las Artes San Luis Potosi (Mexico)– 8 December
Digital Marrakech 2011 (Morocco)– 13-15 Dec
Venues 2012
Cinema Perpetuum Mobile Minsk (Belarus)– 16-18 January 2012
Bangkok Experimental Film Festival – @ Goethe Institute Bangkok
CeC – Carnival of eCreativity – 24-26 Februray 2012
Generation Loss Festival Manila – 14-30 March 2012
International Short Film Festival Prokuplje/Serbia – 13 March 2012
Anemic: Festival of Independent Film and New Media Prague
20 March 2012 @ Alliance Francaise Prague
FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt – 14-28 April 2012
8th Festival Intern. de la Imagen Manizales/Colombia- 16-20 April 2012
ARTchSo Video Festival Rennes – 26 April – 9 May 2012
Athens International Video Art Festival – May 2012
Urban Culture and Fire Festival Minsk – 18-20 May 2012
One Shot – International Film Festival – May 2012
Now & After Festival Moscow – Museum of Contemporary Art – 3 June 2012
CologneOFF @ Polytechnical University Valencia – 21-26 June 2012
Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata – 5-7 July 2012
A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh 2012 @ Meta House Phnom Penh – 12-15 July 2012
VideoBabel Festival Cusco/Peru – 18 July 2012
Ares Film & Media Festival Siracusa/Italy – July/August 2012
National Cinematheque Quito – 24 August 2012
XI International Kansk Video Festival – 17-25 August 2012
Ionian International Digital Film Festival – September 2012
art:screen Festival Orebro/Sweden – 4-7 October 2012
FIVA – Videoart Festival Buenos Aires -5-7 November 2012
EuroShorts Film Festival Gdansk/Poland – 21-25 November 2012
PDF catalogue CologneOFF VII – Beirut-Budapest-Riga – 31 Aug – 10 Sept 2011
CologneOFF VII consists of different thematic program sections.
Art & the City
Albert Merino (Spain) – The City and The Other, 2010, 3:09
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (UA) – The 7th of November, 2009, 3:36
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Leap of Faith, 2010, 3:02
Signe Chiper-Lillemark (Denmark) – Spaces, 2010, 6:31
My Name is Scot (Canada) – Independance, 2011, 7:56
Kristian de la Riva (UK) – Cut, 2009, 3:00
Ana Brotas (Portugal) – Okupa, 2009, 2:19
Sarah Mock (Germany) – Is there a Way Out, 2011, 3:47
Dennis Summers (USA) – The Whipping Off Moss ……, 2005, :45
Inese Stade (Latvia) – OPERA HEARTBEATS/ Longing, 2011, 2:45
Basel El Macqusi (Palestine) – Number, 2009, 3:10
Sarah Berger (Germany) – Inside out #3, 2010, 4:02
Dénes Ruzsa (Hungary) – Bonds, 2010, 4:31
A Velvet Underground
Matthias Härenstam (Sweden) – Closed Circuit, 2011, 3:01
Albert Merino (Spain) – Hidden Mud, 2010, 7:42
Eva Olsson (Sweden) – Labyrinth, 2009, 3:41
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (Ukraine) – Framing West, 2009, 2:46
Adele Raczkövi (Austria) – Looking for Love, 2010, 8:25
Valerio de Bonis (Italy) – Pantograph, 2008, 9:55
Octavian Fedorovici (Romania) – Empty Frame, 2010, 4:20
Romit K. Dasgupta (India) – Azure, 2009, 9:52
silviatoyindustries (USA) – Depression As Geography, 2011, 7:42
Eimhin Hawes (Ireland) – Passage, 2009, 7:30
Dee Hood (USA) – Parallel, 2010, 2:44
Breixo Viejo (Spain) – Dreams; 2010, 3:00
Hope Tucker (USA – Puhelinkoppi (1882-2007), 2010, 7:30)
Heejoo Gwen Kim (South Korea) – Unwearable functional garments II: for three princesses, 2009, 5:02
A Matter of Identity
David Rohn (USA) – Construction 1, 2009, 5:00
Fran Orallo (Spain) – The Life in White, 2006, 7:48
Gabriel Shalom (USA) – Beardbox, 2009, 2:44
Ellen Wetmore (USA) – Portrait After Dora Maar, 2010, 2:00
Athanasia Leivaditou (Greece) – 1,6 S.M. OF LIFE, 2010, 7:12
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Still Burnng, 2009, 2:32
Stine Wexelsen Goksøyr (Norway) – Skin & Bones, 2010, 5:00
Mikhail Torich (USA) – Hold Me Closer, 2009, 4:13
Shigeo Arikawa (Japan) – Her Ironical Me, 2008, 15:00
Lena Nosenko (Ukraine) – Wait form me, 2010, 4:35
Vera Abakumova (Ukraine) – Self-fullfillment, 2011, 7:40
Shelley Jordon (USA) – Family History, 2009, 3:00
Aleksandra Acic (Serbia) – Blindhand, 2009, 4:11
Juan Manuel Castrillo (Argentina) – Ahmad, 2010, 7:19
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Just Midnight, 2010, 3:43
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Oasis in the Desert, 2010, 5:00
Unity Art Nabiha & Thom (Germany)- Yellow Chain Dance, 209, 051
Henry Gwiazda (USA) – thankfully,….finally, 2009, 3:10
Evo Preisner (Netherlands) – Jigo Jisho 09:23
Ninia Sverdrup (Sweden) – Urban Scene XII: Petrol Station, 2011, 8:30
Myriam Thyes (Switzerland) – Depression Marquis, 2009, 2:23
Alexander Isaenko (Ukraine) – Changing Point, 2010, 6:00
Yaron Lapid (Israel) – Night Meter, 2001, 4:20
Sarah Mock (Germany) – and when the last bug, 2010, 6:33
Andreas Papadopulos (Greece) – Interval, 2010, 7:00
Raphael Blum (France) – Princesses dream –Manila, 2011, 2:58
William Peña (Colombia) – Carton, 2010, 12:00
Tim Stokes (UK) – Untitled 2010, 2:23
Lois Patino (Spain) – Landscape Term, 2010, 8 :30
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Horizons, 2009, 6:20
Claundia Borgna (It) – Sweep and weep, Weep and sweep, Under, Over, In, Out, Away, 2010, 11:09
Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Caroussel Travel, 2010, 1:00
Liu Haiping (China) – My Home is my Dream, 2009, 6:00
Jade Cantwell (Australia) – Porphyria, 2009, 9:07
Eva Marosy-Weide (Australia) – Situation Normal, 2009, 6 :00
Pierre & Jean Villemin (France) – Lesdites Terres, 2010, 7 :30
Andreas Papadopoulos (Greece) – Involuntary Memory, 2009, 8 :00
Hans Gindlesberger (USA) – Border Town, 2010, 7 :54
Sara Sun (USA) – Bridge, 2010, 5:34
Aaron Oldenburg (USA) – Pieces of Jonestown, 2010, 10:00
Dan Hudson (Canada) – News, Weather & Sports, 2010, 3:51
Andrew Fedak (USA) – Orange County Surreality, 2011, 3:00
Memory Machine
Marko Batista (Slovenia) – The Machine of Memory, 2008, 1:29
Neil Ira Needleman (USA) – Corporate Art Policy, 2007, 5:58
Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden) – Matsushiro Headquarters , 2010, 12:07
Tubie Tsai (Taiwan) – And Skim…, 2009, 3:14
Oksana Chepelyk (Ukraine) – Urban Multimedia Utopia: 10:00, 2002
Liu Wei (China) – Hopeless Land, 2009, 7:28
Valerio de Bonis (Italy) – A GIFT FOR…, 2007, 6:16
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Amora, 2009, 2:41
Juan Lopez (Colombia) – Involved, 2010, 3:00
Daniel Djamo (Romania ) – Menu, 2011, 5:27
Evangelia Christakou (Greece) – Sharp, 2010, 8:56
James Woodward (USA) – Itch, 2011, 3:39
James George (USA) – What I Remember, 2010, 4:36
Guli Silberstein (UK) – Staring Into Infinity, 2010, 4:50
Nandita Kumar (India) – tHe biRTh oF bRAinfLY, 2008, 6:00
Mysterious Entanglements
Theme Bannenberg & NOK Snel (NL) – Behind Closed Doors, 2010, 7:38
Sergio Sotomayor (Spain) – Quantum, 2009, 3:13
Morten Dysgaard (Denmark) – Two Feet in One Shoe, 2010:5:25
Jose Vieira (Portugal) – Escape, 2010, 2:03
Wrik Mead (Canada) – Winter’s End, 2010, 8:00
Alysse Stepanian (Iran) – Frey, 2009, 3:17
Daniela Risch (Germany) – When we are in heaven, 2008, 4:00
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Freeze, 2008, 4:44
Maria Kelesidi (UK) – Voice, 2010, 6:47
Heidi Stokes (UK) – Oasis in an Urban Ditch, 2010, 2:00
Simone Stoll (Germany) – The Crow, 2009, 1:00
Wen Zhu (China) – Spring Chill, 2010, 5:00
Todd Fuller (Australia) – Tin Man, 2010, 4:37
Leigh Anne Wells (USA) – Looking for Lucretia, 2010, 8:40
Black & White
Alexander Isaenko (Ukraine) – Eclipse, 2010, 5:12
Alexei Dimitriev (Russia) – Dubus, 2004, 4:09
Alexei DeBronhe (Belarus) – Sorry, I don’t hear your Drummachine, 2010, 04:05
Fredy Clavijo Cuartas (Colombia) – Video title: Horizon Mobile, 2010, 1:00
Octavian Fedorovici (Romania) – Around 7 o’clock, 2007, 3:06
Sebastian Wiedemann (Argentina) – Between Times, 2010, 8:48
Hamza Halloubi (Morocco) – Untitled (lait), 2007, =56
Effrosyni Kontogeorgou (Greece) – Knitting, 2004, 6:07
Ruben Tomas (Spain) – Whitewater, 2010, 2:22
Stine Gonsholt (Norway) – Balance, 2009, 3:02
Henok Getachew (Ethiopia) – Framed Embryo, 2008, 4:12
Tova Beck-Friedman (USA) – Lot’s Wife, 2011, 4:00
Johnny Milner (Australia) – The Chest, 2007, 3:15
Robert Quelven (France) – 8 Group, 2010, 8:00
Seasons of the Streets
Mike Celona (USA) – Stations (Oh, The Humanity), 2008, 3:18
Mario Damian Funes (Argentina) – LA MARCHE DE L´ESCARGOT, 2010, 4:00
Soumendra Padhi (India) – Time to Run, 2010, 2:52
Henry Warnakulasuriya (Sri Lanka) – Endless Journey, 2008, 10:00
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Hisab, 2011, 7:56
Ramon Suau Lleal (Spain) – Hoax, 2010, 4:23
Devis Venturelli (Italy) – Superfici fonetiche, 2009, 3:00
Morten Dysgaard (DenmarK) – Agent of Faces, 2011, 10:45
Bruno di Lecce (Italy) – Ninety Billion Steps, 2010, 4:30
Mohammed Harb (Palestine) – Nuisance, 2010, 5:29
Alexander Lorenz (Germany) – Digital is Better, 2011, 4:19
Majed Shala (Palestine) – Headache, 2010, 3:00
Jude Anogwih (Nigeria) – Unstable Stables, 2009, 1:20
Mia Degner (Denmark) – a city is a place to call home, 2009, 1:51
A Perception of War
Eva Olsson (Sweden) – The Last Dance, 2009, 1:25
Andres Jurado (Colombia) – 2:48 minutes with the door, 2009, 3:01
Jean Gabriel Periot (France) – Nijuman no borei , 2008, 7.30
Shaun O’ Connor (Ireland) – Exit: Pursued By A Bear: “Amédéeâ€, 2010, 4:17
Lino Strangis (Italy) – Battle Play in Her Mind, 2010, 6:44
Alessandro Amaducci (Italy) – Not With A Bang, 2008, 4:30
Carolyn Kane (USA) – The Failure of Images (Fifty Wars After 1945), 2011, 14:40
Silvia de Gennaro (Italy) – This Sumnmer Mosquitos Will be Worse Than Ever, 2010, 6:20
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Freeze, 2008, 4:44
Emeka Ogboh (Nigeria) – [dis]connect III, 2011, 3:36
Gjoke Gojani (Kosovo) – Domestic Violence , 2010, 2:02
Robbie Rackleff (USA) – Dark Fortress Occult Master of Space: Level 3, 2010, 4:21
The Voice
Chris Koelsch (USA) – Tell Me Why: Immortalization, 2010, 7:17
Marita Contreras (Peru) – Maria, 2010, 5:30
David Trullo (Spain) – Saviour Saved, 2008, 5:10
Bettina Hutschek (Germany) – The Ogami Case, 2009, 10
Manuela Barile (Portugal) – Morolojam 2008, 8:05
Roland Wegerer (Austria) – This is My Voice, 2010, 3:43
R. Ridgway/ R. van Amersfoort (NL) – Migrating Democrazy, 2010, 10:00
Kelly Oliver & Keary Rosen (USA) – The After-Dinner Speech, 2010, 4:00
Min Kim Park (South Korea) – Zummarella, 2010, 9:00
Karlos Alastruey (Spain) – S1-S4 reflections, 2010, 1:00
Francesca Fini (Italy) – NOTE OFF, 2010, 4:00
Ellen Lake (USA) – Call + Response, 2009, 3:00
Pramod Saahoo (India) – Wake Up Call, 2011, 1:00
Ane Lan (Norway) – Woman of the World, 2008, 7:51
Shareef Sarhan (Palestine) – Zananah, 2010, 2:13
Garden of Seduction
Cristobal Catalan (Spain) – Tour(scape), 2009, 7:11
Jonas Nilsson (Sweden) – Travelogue#1, 2009, 8:29
Xi Feng (China) – Escape, 2010, 4 :32
Ann Steuernagel (USA) – Garden, 2010, 10:00
Andres Jurado & Laura Josephine Snyder (Colombia) -Underwater Lullaby, 2011, 3:54
Jing Zhou (China) – Inner Shrine, 20111, 2:30
Ligia Pintado (Mexico) – Happy Remains, 2009, 2:32
Alessandro Zangirolami (Italy) – Baby Detonate For Me, 2010, 9:19
Julian Bonequi (Mexico) – Variation33, 2010, 1:55
Alex Hetherington (UK) – Linda Fratianne, 2010, 3:35
Nikos Pastras (Greece) – Be Pretty – Destroy, 2010, 1:00
Sara Francesca Tirelli (Italy) – Future is Primitive, 2010, 04:04
I-Chun Chen (Taiwan) – Inside Scenery, 2009, 7:38
David Antony Sant (Australia) – Somewhere/ Elsewhere, 2010, 3:06
CologneOFF VIII – Continental Drift
– human rights – memory – identity –
A Virtual Memorial Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Kansk International Video Festival (Russia)
BuSho – Budapest International Shortfilm Festival (Hungary)
Fine Arts Film Festival Szolnok (Hungary)
ExTeresa Arte Actual Mexio City (Mexico)
FIVA – Videoart Festival Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Digital Marrakech (Morocco)
Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid (Spain)
2013 – Reindeer – Experimental Film Festival Reykjavik (Is)
Gallery Aferro Newark (USA)
CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity Sattal/India
The festival programs are streaming online on
list of videos
Karlos Alastruey (Spain) – Ada, 2011, 10′ 04″
Ewelina Aleksandrowicz & Andrzej Wojtas (PL)- HTRK – Synthetik, 2011, 4:28
Diego Mauricio Alvarez (Colombia) – Die As If It Was The First Day of Your Life,2012, 3:40
Antonina Baever (Russia) – The Ropes, 2012
, 6`54“
Orsolya Bajusz (Hungary) – Bela’s Struggle, 2011, 9:00
Sharlene Bamboat & Alexis Mitchell (CA) – Queen of Canada, 2011, 00:47
Bankleer (Germany) – minority in majority , 2011, 4.30 min
Emilio Bassail (Mexico) – Aspirine for Peace, 2012, 2:57
Nicola Bergström Hansen (Sweden) -Over the Rainbow, 2012, 6:57
Alexandre Braga (Portugal) – An Excuse for a Man, 2011, 3:00
Giovanni Bucci (Italy) – Addictions, 2011, 2:00
Dorothea Carl I Claudia Reiche (Germany) – demo_lition, 2011, 12:26
Daniel Djamo (Romania) – Untitled: Syria, 2011, 5:58
Samba Fall (Senegal) – Yesterday, I had a Dream, 2011, 6:42
Imohammed Fettaka (Morocco) – Creatruction, 2011, 10:00
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Parnasus, 2011, 10:33
Gergely Fogarasi (Hungary) – Postscript, 2006, 7:01
Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Take to the woods, 2011, 6:01
Varvara Frolova (Russia) – From Communism To Shamanism, 2011, 2:47
Silvia De Gennaro (Italy) – The days of rage, 2011, 03:00
Ryota Hamasaki (Japan) – Desertion, 2011, 10:00
Max Hattler (Germany) – Spin, 2010, 3:55
Beate Hecher/Markus Keim (Austria) – ln Absentia, 2012, 10:00
Angelika Herta (Austria) – Man of Iron, 2011, 1:53
Youki Hirakawa (Japan) – Floating into the Night, 2010, 03:14
Wei-Ming Ho (Taiwan) – Selfdestruction for Eternity, 2011, 6:26
Osamu Hsieh (Taiwan) – Start, 2011, 3’56”
Alexander Isaenko (Ukraine)- The negative selection, 2012, 3:30
Mark Kadota (Japan) – Un-Caged, 2012, 5:30
Jasmine Kainy (Israel) – Comes from Outside, 2011, 3:35
Kristina Kanders (Germany) – Human Rights, 2011, 4:20
David King (Australia) – Dystopic Overload, 2011, 3:10
Tagit Klimor (Israel)- Fcity, 2011, 4:50
Maria Korporal (Italy) – The Waltz, 2010, 3:11
Stefan Larsson (Sweden) – a Forest within a Forest, 2010, 5:10
Francesca Leoni (Italy) – In-Sanity, 2012, 3:55
Marie Magescas (France) – WAR desease, 2010, 8:26
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – 1,2,3 Herring, 2011, 2:27
Salome MC (Turkey) – Aquaphobia, 2012, 01:25
Conor McFeely (UK) – “The Testing Rooms- smashing formsâ€, 2008, 10:00
Albert Merino (Spain) – Les Bagneurs, 2010, 3:50
Jonas Nilsson (Sweden) – Seclusion II, 2011, 3:54 min

Eva Olsson (Sweden) – The Factory, 2009, 2:13 min
Lois Patiño (Spain) – Forest Echoes, 2011, 7:20 min.
Yoav Peled (Israel) – My own private Israel, 2012, 4:15 min
Rithea Phichith (Cambodia) – Chaos, 2011, 2:00
Heidi Phillips (Canada)- Forsaken, 2012, 4:30
Paula Marcela Restrepo Cardona (Colombia) – Bird Girl, 2012, 06:18
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – Smilesd & Slaps, 2012, 3:55
Elisbeth Ross (Mexico) – MEMORY IN THE CITY, 2008, 4’34
Cinzia Sarto (Italy)- TRIP, 2006, 3:20
Guli Silberstein (Israel) – Disturbdance, 2012, 3:25
Nicole Sloan (USA) – Shuffle Ball Chain, 2011, 3:19
Karolien Soete (Belgium) – Prolegomena, 2011, 7’32”
Karla Spiluttini (Austria) – Tiananmen, 2010, 3:18
Tasos Stamou (Greece) – Elements, 2012, 15:00
Noriyuki Suzuki (Japan) – fragment, 2012, 5:20
Myriam Thyes (Switzerland) – Global Vulva, 2009, 6:20
Andrej Tisma (Serbia) – Taking Away Privacy, 2012, 3’13”
Paul Turano (USA) – Toxic Red Sludge, 2010, 4:30
Eitan Vitkon (Israel) – Convergeance, 2011, 1:17
Przemek WÄ™grzyn (Poland) – The Spring, 2011, 3:20
Liu Wei (China) – Unforgettable Memory, 2009, 10:17
Tushar Waghela (India) – Phantom of a Fertile Land, 2009, 8:00
Owen Eric Wood (Canada) – Return, 2011, 5:00
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – When we all met
, 2008
, 3:54
Danijel Zezelj (Croatia) – A Different Bunny
, 2010
, 2 min 30
Let’s Save the World
Alterazioni Video and Luca Babini (Italy) – Black Rain, 2011, 10:00
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Futurology, 2011, 6:06
Joanot Cortes (Spain) – Animalism, 2010, 8:35
John Cohrs (USA) – The Urban Prospector, 2009, 3:45
Jay Critchley (USA) – GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet, 2011, 2:57
Uygar Demoglu (Turkey) – Arbeit Macht Frei, 2011, 5:23
Nenko Genov (Bulgaria) – Tomatoes Eat You!, 2010, 1:00
Dan Hudson (Canada) – River, 2011, 3:00
Kristine Kanders, (Germany) – Say Something, 2010, 4:21
Lea Lahoud (Lebanon) – Salt, 2011, 12:45
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – Italy Lab, 2011, 5:00
Katherine Oggier Chanda (CH) – 2010, 1:00
Evan Paschke (USA) – Thorium Days, 2011, 7:35
Shabnam Piryaei (USA) – Dollhouse, 2011, 5:53
Aleksey Rumyantsev (Kazakhstan) – Parallels, 2010, 2:38
Dénes Ruzsa (Hungary) – +1°C, 2009, 1:57
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Dirty Vacation, 2005, 7:00
Vasili Tsybulka (Belarus) – The Deal, 2011, 4:00
Ivar Veermae (Estonia) – Warm Up, 2010, 2:24
Anders Weberg (Sweden) – Peaceful Atom – Prypiat, 2011, 2:18
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – constant dripping or no escape, 2009, 3:17
Andrew Norman Wilson (USA) – Workers Leaving the Googleplex, 2011, 11:00
Katrin Wölger (Austria) – ana fagri saves the world, 2009, 4:55
Cha Chung Yang (Taiwan) – Un-peaceful Ocean, 2011, 5:00

list of selected videos
Beyond All
Yasser Abo El Ella (Egypt) – The Mask, 2013, 11:27
Evertt Beidler (USA) – Moves Manager, 2011, 4:09
Gregg Biermann (USA) – Crop Duster Octet, 2011, 5:00
Eni Brandner (Austria) – Exhaustability, 2012, 8:40
Nina Caspari (Germany) – The Silk Silence of the Wild Cotton Candy, 2012, 9:45
Bill Domonkos (USA) – The custodian, 2013, 3:19
Sinem Serap Duran (Turkey) – Adequate, 2012, 9:11
Tessa Garland (UK) – Not far from Here, 2013, 5:00
Kai Welf Hoyme (Germany) – Nocturn, 2012, 3:58
Frédéric Labonde (France) – Annunciation, 2013, 5:25 ***
Eric Osberg (Canada) – Chase, 2012, 3:20 ***
Albert Merino (Spain) – Le Badinage, 2010, 6:32 ***
Muriel Montini (France) – Future Anterior, 2006, 6:00 ***
QNQ/AUJIK (Sweden/Japan) – Impermanence Trajectory, 2013, 07:00 ***
Maurico Sanhueza (Peru) – Paroniria, 2013, 6:36 ***
Manuel Saiz (Spain) – Sic Transit, 2009, 5:00 **
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – LOST IN A GLASS OF WATER, 2013, 02′:05 ***
Deepak Kumar Sharma (India) – Clock Anti-Clock2013, 6:41 ***
Javier Velázquez Cabrero (Spain) – My city a bit cleaner of advertising every day, 2012, 6:00 ***
Pim Zwier (Netherlands) – All What is Somehow Useful, 2013, 7.35 ***
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – The Choir, 2013, 4:19 ***
Lawrence F Mesich (USA) – Aphorisms, 2012, 3:52 ***
Allison Berkoy (USA) – Another Day, 2012, 4:42 ***
Camilla L. Haukedal (Norway) – Mais’68, 2009, 1:54 **
Paula Almiron (Argentina) – Place where something is thrown,2012, 9:40 ***
Lin Hsin Kai (Taiwan) – Cut Me Tenderly, 2011, 9:21 ***
Vojtìch Žák – (CZ) – Svetovar Brewery, 2013, 03:18 ***
Colette Copeland (USA) – Digby, 2012, 3:16 **
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 2012, 5:03 ***
Catron Booker (USA) – Betwixt and Between, 2013, 10:37 ***
Silvia Carpizo (Spain) – Alienation, 2012, 3:38 ***
Ross Lelliott (RSA) – Tigers Revenge, 2008, 1:36 ***
Chuang Ho (Taiwan) – a time and a place, 2013, 3:29 *
Vojtìch Žák – (CZ) – Melancholia, 2013, 3: 25 ***
Laura y Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Self-Abandonment, 2012, 3:23 ***
Jeremy Couillard (USA)- Blackhole memory, 2012, 5:56 **
Sandra Dollo (Italy) – Tweng, 2013, 2:15 ***
Dee Hood (USA) – Going Along, 2012, 3:11 ***
Ben Grosser (USA) – Computers Watching Movies, 2013, 7:51 *
AusÃn Sáinz (spain) – A Question of Millimeter, 2013, 2:08 *
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Only the Chimney Stays, 2012, 5:30 ***
Myriam Thyes (CH) – After Tiepolo, 2013, 10:15 ***
Federico Romanello (Italia) – Rewind, 2011, 2;45`***
Aurelien Real (France) – Camera Obscura: Fragments of Humanity, 2013, 11:24 ***
Borja Rodriguez (Spain) – Why, 2013, 4:52 ***
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – FIRST PERSON SHOOTER, 2012, 4’43 ***
Robert Dohrmann (USA) – All Systems Go, Neil Armstrong, 2009, 3:14 ***
Lee Hyung-suk (South Korea) – Western Movie, 2010, 9:00 ***
Silvia De Gennaro (Italy) – Rubbish world, 2012, 4:05 ***
D-Fuse (Michael Faulkner + Matthias Kispert), Secured by Design,2012, 00’34″ ***
Mari Keski-Korsu (Finland) – Albedo Logger, 2013, 06:08 ***
Diego de los Campos Orefice (Uruguay) – Still Life, 2012, 2:38 ***
Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri (Italy) – Heart, 2012, 11:09 **
Brit Bunkley(New Zealand) – Fleeced, 2009, 4:22 ***
Baptist Coelho (India) – If it would only end, 2009, 3:41 ***
Claudia Borgna (Italy) – Funeral to a Plastic Bag, 2013, 10:20 ***
Koorosh Asgari (Iran) – Shahrzad, 2012, 07:48 ***
Przemek Węgrzyn (Poland) – Backlght, 2012, 6:20 ***
Bruno Leggieri (Italia) – Give me iron, 2010, 4.30 ***
Beyond the Body
Bill Aitchison (UK) – Proletarian Dance 1, 2012, 4:50 ***
Vito Alfarano (Italy) – My Shout, 2012, 7:42 ***
Vibeke Bertelsen & Frederik Hilmer (Denmark) – Transient and Luminous, 2012, 4.04 min ***
Chiara Bertin (Italy) , ./../, 2012, 6:30 **
Cornelia Eichorn (Germany) – Parasites, 2011, 2:57 **
Sofia Goscinski (Austria) – Without Head, 2013, 8:48 ***
John Graham (Canada) – Sincerus, 2013, 8:43 **
Francesca Lolli (Italy) -Abaddon, 2013,04:30 ***
Agnes Pettersen (Norway) – All the Dreams, 2013, 12:31 ***
Adam Sekuler (USA) – 1922, 2012, 12:32 **
Peter Spiers (UK)- Mimicking Frame By Frame, 2010, 06:17 **
Timo Wright (Finland) – Unfit, 2013, 8,27 ***
Beyond the Self
Owen Eric Wood (Canada) – Parallel, 2009, 7:42 **
Gligo Kondovsky (Macedonia) – Audio visual Film Portait “Waitin tonightâ€, 2013, 3:40 **
Albert Merino (Spain) -Compulsive Self-portrait, 2011,05:46 **
Dorianne Wotton (France) – I am Standing Beside me, 2013, 3:38 **
Cristina Pavesi (Italy) – IDENTITY, SELF PORTRAIT, 2013,04:00 **
Maureen Bachaus (Netherlands) – Who am I?, 2013, 10.07 **
Matthew Lancit (France) – 16 Reasons Why I Hate Myself, 2006,03:34**
Biography of You –
curated by Andrea Gabriele – 2012, 22:12
Luigi Pagliarini (Italy) – Simian Creases,
Bianco-Valente (Italy) – DiffenrtPlace, Different Time,
Emanuela Barbi (Italy) – Yesterday I saw You, Dance of the Mermaids,
Ivan Divanto (Italy) – The same experiment as You,
Marco Antonecchia (Italy) – Recording Solo,
Ruby Calls (Italy) – Outside,
Gaetano Carboni, Andrea Straccini,Marita Cosma (Italy) – I am looking at you,
Beyond Documenting
Ihon Aguasaco (Colombia) – The State of Crisis, 2012, 10:00 ***
Igor Aleksic (Serbia) – Diary of a Knight, 2012, 14,33 ***
Stephanie Andreou (Cyprus) – Resolution, 2012, 4:53 ***
Alexander Callsen (Germany) – Gap Camp, 2013, 6:04 ***
Andrea Corrales Devesa & huelgadearte (Spain) – Andalusians of Jaén-Andaluces de Jaén, 2010, 17:48 ***
Chris Dupuis (Canada) – The First Time, 2013, 8:05 ***
Niels Gesquiere (Belgium) – Navinci – Guiding People Safely,2013, 3:00 **
Jimmy Hendrickx (Belgium) – Semalu, 2013, 19:40 **
Theresa Khalil (Egypt) – It goes on, 2013, 5.40 ***
Jerome Laniau (France) – Hakili Fila, 2013, 20:00 ***
Caroline Pellet (France) – Guen, 2012, 9:59 ***
Nataliia Mashtaler (Ukraine) – Demonstration Lesson, 2012, 13:40 ***
Jolene Mok (Hongkong) – SALGUOD SELYORB, 2012, 8:18 *
Santiago Parres (EZO) (Spain) – Transit Zone, 2012, 7:45 **
CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collection
Beyond Memory
Diego de los Campos Orefice (Uruguay) – Meatman, 2011, 5:12 ***
Oleg Chorny (Ukraine) – OLEXA HIRNYK STAIRS, 2012, 14:00 ***
Masa Hicisin Dervisevic (CZ) – Personal Images: Personal Semiotics of War, 2013, 9:54 ***
Eric Nikiforov (Israel) – Jerusalem Syndrom, 2013, 0:32 ***
Isabel Pérez del Pulgar (Spain) – Latent State, 2013,4:47 ***
Javier José Plano (Argentina) – “5 actions (on the collective memory)â€, 2010, 9:00 ***
Osvaldo Raúl Ponce (Argentina) – “… Once upon nowâ€, 2012, 09’20 ***
Roland Quelven (France) – The Wooden Cigar Box, 2012, 4:00 ***
Elisabetzh Ross (Mexico) – ..AND THEY CONTINUE TO BE BORN, 2007, 4:03 ***
Liu Wei (China) – unforgettable memory, 2009, 10:00 ***
Christian Tapies (Argentina) – Three Modern Haiku, 2010, 12:00 ***
Mariana Radisic Koliren (Argentina) – Infant Lacrimogenia, 2013, 4:00 ***
Tammy Mike Laufer (Israel) – Visions of another war, 2009, 2:15 ***
Guo Jialiang (China) – Temporary Prison,2012, 70:00 ***
Angela Aguayo (USA) – Ni Una Mas (Not One More), 2010 , 18:00 ***
Omer Ginzburg (Israel) – No One Was Hurt, 2012, 10:00 ***
Ana Bilankov (Croatia) – In War and Revolution, 2011,15:00 ***
Roland Fuhrmann (Germany) – Failed Youth, 2006, 3:33 ***
Baptist Coelho (India) – Beneath It all I Am Human, 2009, 9:41 ***
Tzvetana Tchakarova (Bulgara) – Is There A Way Out?, 2012, 2:09 ***
Male Cernadas (Argentina)- Displacement, 2013,1:38 ***
T & NOK Art (Bannenberg & Snel), NL – Unravelling, 2013, 4:20 **
Roland Quelven (France) – Death Fugue B50.02 – L19.20, 2013, 3:15 **
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – No, 2013, 2:29 **
Andrea Nevi (Italy) – Everything collapses and disintegrates around me, 2011, 2:40 **
Isabelle Rozenbaum (France) – Two Trees, 2009, 11:47 **
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – [my homeland], 2012, 1:33 **
Istvan Horkay (Hungary) – Tenebrae, 2012, 6:00 **
Jacob J. Podber (USA) – Vishneva, Belarus Soviet Union Poland, 2013, 2:35 **
Mariusz Wirski (Poland) – Passerby, 2012,1:14 **
Beyond the Time
Mikael Muraz (France) – 25 Years later, 2012, 1:00 ***
Branko Istvancic (Croatia) – Fair Play, 2008, 1:00 **
David King (Australia) – What if You Woke One Day…?, 2013, 1:00 ***
Sandrine Deumier (France) – UnReality, 2012, 1:00 ***
rrose present (Spain) – Postproduction- (culture),2013, 1:00 ***
Helena Alvesalo (Sweden) – Microfilm 6, 2013, 1:00 ***
Monika Zywer (Poland) – Re:Cabaret, 2013, 1:00 **
Penelope Drakou (Greece) – Expecttions, 2007, 1:00 **
Kuesti Fraun (Austria) – Ben, 2012, 1:00 **
Irina Gabiani (Georgia) – Everywhere and in Everything, 2012, 1:00 *
Tatiana Poliektova, Olga Poliektova (Russia) – I see you, 2012, 1:00 ***
Oleg Chorny & Gena Khamruk (Ukraine) – Still Alive, 2012, 1:00 ***
Giulio Boato (Italy) – The sleep of reason produces monsters, 2012, 1:00 ***
Max Hattler (Germany/UK) – Stop The Show, 2013, 1:00 ***
Kelly Sun Kim (South Korea) – Forgiveness, 2010, 1:00 *
Art al Quadrat (Spain) – Videodictionary Art al Quadrat-M-Made in, 2013, 1:00 ***
Hans de Zwaan (NL) – PTSD, 1979 -2013, 1:00 ***
Lærke Lauta (DK) – St. Louis Cemetry, 2013. 1:00 ***
Carlos MatÃas Ramacciotti/Rafael Perez Boero (Ar) – Boccacion, 2013, 1:00 ***
Marta Szulz (PL) – e/motions, 2012, 1:00 ***
Barbara de Azevedo (Brazil) – Time Images, 2012, 1:00 ***
Beyond Poetry
Tushar Waghela (India) – THE JUNGLE OF PUNISHMENT, 2012, 2min 26 **
Pierre & Jean Villemin (France) – Lake, 2012, 5:35 **
Dorianne Wotton (France) – Cold, 2012, 4:55 **
Mikhael Basov (Russia) – Free Movements, 2012, 5:54 **
Dragana Nikolic (serbia) – About a City, 2012,8:35 *
Erika Yeomans (USA) – Entr’acte – V, 2013, 3:50 **
Ana Rodriguez Leon (Spain) – Bell & Howell 2146 XL, 2011, 9:00 **
Laura Petrilla & Brooke Schooles (USA) – Wrong Me A Love Life, 2012, 4:50 **
Alberto Gemmi (Italy) – Go Burning Atacama Go, 2012, 5:40 *+
Pasquale Polidori (Italy) – Manifest Form; Amelia Rosselli #3,2012, 8’01 **
Yuri Pirondi & Ines Von Bonhorst (UK) – Emergencia, 2012, 10 **
Elsa Montenegro (Spain) – Amnesia, 2013, 4:30 *
Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – I feel you, 2012, 04:50 **
Mike Murnau (UK) – Something Else, 2013,3 min 46 **
Sandor M. Salas (Spain) – The Hollow man, 2013 , 04:59 **
Ninfa Sánchez (MX) – The solemn geographies of human limits, 2013, 3:13**
Alexander Delnevo (Italy) – Transhumances, 2012,3:48 **
Román Reyes (Spain) The beauty and me, 2012, 2:44 **
Selini Marie Halvadaki (Denmark) – Time is what keeps everything from happening at once, 2013, 8:33 **
Dalia Huerta Cano (Mexico) – The end of the existence of things, 2013, 5 min. 39 **
Xavier Gavin (Spain) – Perfect Stranger,2008, 7:04 *
Celine Barakat (Canada) – Tallulah, 2013, 7:30 **
Camilla L. Haukedal (Norway) – To All the Important People, 2009, 5:05 **
Maya Watanabe (Peru) – A-phan-ousia, 2008, 4:45 **
Melissa Diem (Ireland) – Appraisal, 2013, 2:43 **
Alexandre Braga (Portugal) – From Within, 2013, 3:00 **
Veronica Santos (Colombia) – A Farewell, 2008,9:32 **
Lisi Prada (Spain) – Haiku Time, 2012, 5:07 **
Nicole Stenger (USA) – The Nuked My lettuce, 2012, 5:00 **
Fabian Heitzhausen & Maximilian Schmötzer(Germany) The conversation, 2011, 3:25 **
Moritz Fingerhut (Germany) – Viewers can, 2013, 6:00 **
Joe Hambleton (Canada) – Days of Future Past, 2012, 7:44 *
Beyond Perception
animateCologne 2013
Francesca Fini (Italy) – WOMBS, 2012, 6:00 **
Albert Merino (Spain) – Lot’s Shadow, 2011, 6:40 **
Emilio Rizzo (Italy) – No Tav, 2013, 02:51 **
Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru)- My old Man’s Pistol, 2012, 2:36**
Antje van Wichelen (Belgium) – Lost and Found, 2013, 9:34 **
Kristen Lauth Shaeffer (USA) – Forty-Six, 2009, 4:09 **
Dustin Grella (USA) – Animation Hotline, 2012, 5:37*
Kianoush & Farnoush Abedi (Iran) – Irreversible, 2012, 6:50 **
Belén Paton (Spain) – City of Caves, 2012, 06:45 **
Todd Fuller (Australia) – One and only, 2012, 3: 54 **
Henry Gwiazda (USA) – Choice, 2012, 9’16″ **
Carl – Anthony Dufault (Canada) – The Rehearsal, 2012-2013, 2:00 **
Anna Ampariotou (Greece) – scissor’s stories III, 2011, 5: 27**
Peter Aerschmann (CH) – FROM A TO B, 2010, 3:00**
Yufeng Li (China/USA) – Cellular Romance, 2013, 2:21**
UrÅ¡a Kastelic & Blaž BaÄar (Slovenia) – Neomi- Odpri OÄi, 2013, 3:55*
Sandra Araújo (Portugal) – POW POW POW SWAG, 2013, 2:55**
Deirdre Hegarty (Ireland) – Re-Cords, 2013, 1:27**
Peter Whittenberger (USA) – Simple #13 (I am a Dinosaur), 2012, 1:37**
Robby Rackleff (USA) – Guild, 2012, 9:42**
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Inside My Room, 2013, 3:26**
Daniela Wayllace (Belgium) – Memento Mori, 2012, 10:00**
Maria Korporal (Italy) – Nevermore, 2012, 10:27**
Ben Fox (UK) – Nature of Things, 2012
, 03:05**
Michael Lasater (USA) – Epiphany, 2006, 5:17**
Bruno Collet (France) .- His War , 2012, 9:50**
Alessandro Amaducci (Italy) – Black Data, 2012, 4:05**
Julie Boehm (Germany) – Modern Childhood, 2013, 2:35 **
Eva Olsson (Sweden) – Timeloop, 2012, 2:02**
Kristina Frank (Sweden) – One Minute Earth, 2013, 1:42**

CologneOFF X – 10th Cologne International Videoart Festival
In total, the different released calls recruited 1287 submissions,
this is an all time record. Mayn submission were really on an high artistic level,
but only a limited number of videos could be selected.
Venues 2014
-Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata Greece – 3-5 July 2014
-Ares – International Film and Media Festival Syracuse/Italy (August 2014
-Waterpieces Video & Art Festival Riga/Latvia – 15-17 August 2015
-MIVA _ International Videoart Festival Quito/Peru – 25 August – 14 Sept 2014
-Institut fuer Alles Mögliche Berlin/Germany – 4 September 2014
-Muza Plus – a space for art Tel-Aviv/Israel – 13 September 2014
-Onomato e.V. Düsseldorf/Gerrmany – 25 September 2014
-Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid/Spain (25 Sept – 05 Oct 2014)
-Athens International Videoart Festival (Greece) – 3-5 Oct 2014
-“Damen und Herren” e.V. Düsseldorf/Germany – 10 October 2014
-Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles/USA – 6 Nov – 6 Dec 2014
– Parachute Light Zero Paris France – 21 November 2014
-EuroShorts Film Festival Gdansk/PL 24-30 Nov 2014
-Euro Shorts Film Festival Warsaw/Poland 24-30 Nov 2014
-VideoBabel – International Audiovisual Festival Cuzco/Peru (Nov 2014)
“Total Art”
The festival programs stand all under the topic of “Total Art ” (Gesamtkunstwerk)
1. Total Art – Alienated Territories
Brit Bunkley (NZ) – By Blood and Water, By Blood and Sand, 2014, 5:37
Boris Eldagsen & Sabine Taeubner (Germany) – SuperHigh, 3013, 38:00
Jaime Ekkens (USA) – A Life With Asperger’s, 2013, 4:00
David Finkelstein (USA) – Epistolary Fusillades, 2010, 18:11
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Little Pills Blues, 2013, 5:10
Rick Fisher (Canada) – Arcadia, 2014, 4:49
Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden) – 366, 2014, 1:24
Istvan Horkay (Hungary) – Mother, 2014, 4:51
Umesh Mangupudi ( India) – March To Nowhere, 2014, 6:06
Mani Mehrvarz (Iran) – Wistful Affection For The Past, 2013, 3:06
Neil Ira Needleman (USA) – Freedom, 2013, 4:32
Heidi Kumao (USA) –Swollowed Whole, 2014, 3:53
Albano Ruela (Portugal) – What is in Your Bag II?, 2013, 6:06
Robert Quelven (France) – La Topologie des 9 Cercles – #6, 2013, 5:40
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – The Race, 2013, 3:45
Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru) – Copycat, 2013, 8:12
Atom Samit (Spain) – I once thought the consequences of having a cat (or the life that the cat was not expected), 2013, 1:26
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Disquiet, 2013, 3:13
Swen-Erik Scheuerling (Germany) – Box NN, 2013, 4:44
Tina Willgren (Sweden) – (+), 2014, 4:13
vvitalny (Tusia Dabrowska & Clara Inés Schuhmacher) (USA) – In Peru, 2013, 3:05
George Afedzi-Hughes (Ghana) – Dodge West, 2014, 4:00
Alexandra Anikina (Russia) – Some Entropy in Your Tea, 2013, 8:15
Michael Gaddini (Italy) – “My TV Heart”, 2013, 7:40
Giulia Giannola (Italy) – The Lap, 12013, 3:55
Farid Hamedi (Iran) – Theatre for the Artist, 2014, 1:50
Saman Namnik (Iran) – Illusionists, 2014, 6:00
Magnus Irvin (UK) – The Flasher, 2014, 2:48
Tamim Jamshed (Ireland) – Only the Lonely, 2013, 3:48
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – {Naked}, 2012, 4:01
Dustin Morrow (UK) – Ground London, 2013, 7:41
Valerio Murat and Antonio Poce (Italy) – Meine Meimat, 2012, 4:32
Cristina Pavesi (Italy) – Giallo, 2014, 4:00
William Pena (Colombia) – Control, 2013, 3:45
Pinina Podesta (Italy) – Sound Visionary, 2014, 3:06
Isabel Del Pulgar (Spain) – Ossum, 2014, 9:20
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Dictator. 2014, 03:47
Atom Samit (Spain) – Disappear, 2014, 3:26
Anthony Sherin (USA) – DUÆL: Lee + Man, 2014, 5:09
SinQuenza (Spain) – Exotic Shadow in a Shadow, 2013, 2.15
3. Total Art – One Minute Wonder
Betty Boehm (Germany) – A Stair Dance, 2008, 1:09
Luigia Cardarelli (Italy) – The Unspoken Words, 2014, 1:09
Iván Rojas Carvacho (Spain) – Atomic Breatfast, 2013, 1:32
Oksana Chepilik (Ukraine) – The Reborn, 2013, 1:00
Timothée Corteggiani & Nathalie Giraud (France) – The girl with the red balloons, 2013, 1:00
Nynke Deinema (NL) – The Mummer, 2014, 1:33
Diego Deloscampos (Uruguay) – A Vanishingly Small Attempt, 2013, 1:00
DONAU (Daniel Lachenmeier, Andreas Thierstein) (CH) – Paillasson, 2011, 1.08
David Hochgatterer (Austria) – Matches, 2012, 1:40
Jonathan Johnson (USA) – Blind Return, 2014, 1:00
Laurie Joly (France) – 000000002, 2007, 1:00
Lucija Konda Labas (Croatia) – Networking, 2012, 1:00
Igor Krasik (Germany) – Breakadventure , 2014, 1:18
Mauri Lehtonen (Finland) – Jump, 2014, 1:00
Jerome Chia-Horng Lin (Taiwan) – The Journey of Water within Roses, 2014, 1:30,
Grant Petrey (UK) – Semaphore, 2013, 1:15
Tatiana Poliektova, Olga Poliektova (Russia) – Warm Liguria, 2013, 1:00
Lisi Prada (Spain) – Water- Food for Your Eyes, 2014, 1:00
Johanna Reich (Germany) – Pleinair, 2013, 1:00
Flako Rojas (Venezuela/Belgium) – Cantico, 2013, 1:16
Karin Till (Australia) – Elemental, 2014, 1:00
Jose Vieira (Portugal) – The Great Builder, 2013, 1:38
Monika Zywer (PL) – Devour Art, 2014, 1:00
4- Total Art – Alienated Memory
Monika Adler (UK) – Involuntary Memory, 2013, 3:47
Angela Aguayo (USA) – Deathwork, 2013, 5:27
Aleksander Johan Andreassen (Norway) – A Rock, 2013, 2:29
Collin Bradford (USA) – Deep Horizon, 2013, 6:35
Catherine Del Buono (USA) – How to Not Get Raped, 2014, 3:04
Marina Fomenko (Russia) – Not Water, 2014, 4:44
Analia Fraser (Argentina) – A glance / Una mirada, 2012, 11:00
Ela Goldman (Israel) – “Pogranicze†(Borderlands), 2013, 3:49
Felice Hapetzeder (SWE) – Yesterday was no good day, 2014, 6:00
Che-Yu Hsu (Taiwan) – November 11th 1970, 2012, 8:01
Kenji Kojima (Japan) – Composition Fukushima 2011, 2014
Konstantin Larchenko (Russia) – Story, 2014, 28:00
Richard Legaspi (Philippines) – Waiting, 2013, 14: 43
Elisabeth Leister (USA) – Strange Loop, 2014, 6.45
Filip Gabriel PudÅ‚o (Poland) – Operation Castle, 2013, 4.20, 10:00
Denes Rusza (Hungary) – Kids, 2014, 4:06
Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru) – Do You Smell That, 2014; 2:15
Veniamin Tronin (Russia) – Hearth, 2013, 30:00
Alienor Vallet (France) – Chronicle of the 6th reach, 2013, 7:00
Alina Vasilchenko (Russia) – I like going the the Pet Stores, 2014,7:00
Simon Welch (France) – Focus, 2014, 7:37
Zaoli Zhong (China) – A Dangerous Question, 2012, 5:35
Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Terminal island, 2013, 10:50
5. Total Art – Alienated Identities
Apotropia (Italy) – K, 2012, 4:00
Lisa Birke (Canada) – Red Carpet, 2013, 9:59
Katina Bitsicas (USA) – Autonomous Autopsy, 2014, 4:26
Catherine Del Buono (USA), How to Not Get Raped, 2014, 3:09
Anna Garner (USA) – Sequential Interactions, 2013, 1:54
Giulia Giannola (Italy) – Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor, 2012, 04:58
Matt Gibson (USA) – The Turtle, 2013, 2:00
Claire Gustavson (USA) – Putting on a Show!, 2014, 5:06
Levi Hanes (Ireland) – Shapes on Grey, 2014, 3:14
Yu_Hang Huang (Taiwan) – Identity Correlation, 2009, 5:41
Sara Holwerda (USA) – Chair Dance, 2012, 6:26
Magnus Irvin (UK) – Cake, 2013, 2:48
Francesca Leoni (italy) – D (mov#2), 2013, 3:15
Johanna Reich (Germany) – Phoenix, 2012, 3:20
Victor Ripoll, (Spain) – Don’t Move, 2014, 2.34
Carlo Sampiero (Italy/USA) – TAMBOURINE BUTTOCKS, 2012, 2:10
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Forbidden Fruit, 2009, 4.40
Zaoli Zhong (China) – We Are Walking All on the Same Road, 2014, 12, 06
Weigang Song (China) – Walling Dissensus, 2014, 5:01
Alexandar Tokin (Serbia) – She Is I, 2013, 9:17
6. Total Art – Brave New World
a collaboration with Institute fuer Alles Moegliche Berlin/Germany
Shiva Ahmadi (Iran) – Lotus, 2014, 8:52
Fatih Bilgin (Turkey, – How would you like to Migrate, 2013, 3.36
Laura Cabrera DÃaz y Sira Cabrera DÃaz (Spain) – “Irreconciliables, IIâ€, , 2014, 3:54
Gabin Cortez Chance (USA) – Do Americans Dream of Being Electric Sheep, 2014, 7:52
Kristina Cranfeld (UK) – Manufactured Britishness, 2013, 10:00
Robert Dohrmann (USA) – Me America, 2009, 1:38
Francesca Fini Italy) – Touchless, 2014, 4:46
David Fodel (USA) , So Were You, 2012,1:12
Sedi Ghadiri (Iran) – The Kings Hand, 2014, 10:00
Sanglim Han (S.Korea) – Bloom, 2012, 3:35
Fabian Heitzhausen (Germany) – I’m Game, 2014, 3:08
Zoe Hough (UK) – Smile, The Fiction had Already Begun, 2014, 3:30
Lenka Kurikova & Michal Hustaty (Slovakia) (Slovakia) – Who Wants To Belong to My Country, 2014, 3:41
Keni Kojima (Japan) – Composition Fukushima 2011, 2014, 10:00
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – 370 New World, 2014, 5:08
Ranis Marek (USA) – Hold On, 2010, 3:00
Mr MVIN (Spain) – BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF CRISIS”, 2013, 1:50
Mores McWeath (USA) – Sharing Laizy Gaines, 2013, 5:12
Kaiser Nahhas (Syria) – Anti Censoship Protest at Taksim, 2014, 2014, 4:27
Neil Ira Needleman (USA) – The Great Gate of Kiev, 2013, 2:15
Margerita Novikova (Russia) – Chronicles On The Lap, 2014, 8:38
William Pena (Colombia) – Control, 2013, 3:45
Roland Quelven (France) – La Chambre d’Eric Bm 2014, 4:31
Tabita Rezaire (Guinea) – Same Sex Biz, 2014, 6:19
Hector Rodriguez (Hongkong) – Theorem 8, 2014, 6:49
Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru) – Do You Smell That, 2014; 2:15
Salome MC (Iran) – Drunk Shah, Drunk Elder, 2012, 4:21
SiniÅ¡a Stojanović Sinister & Dragana Nikolić (Serbia) – Soup Kitchen – Narodna kuhinja, 2014., 04:59
Karl F. Steward (Germany) – Video of Shadows, 2013, 7:00
Armstrong Tarke (Cameroun) – REVERSE CIVILISATION, 2014, 3:57
Gabriele Tosi (Italy) – The Extreme Challenge, 2014, 4:56
Alina Vasilchenko (Russia) – I like going the the Pet Stores, 2014,7:00
Ivar Vermäe (Estonia) – Crystal Computing (Google Inc., St. Ghislain), 2014, 9:19
Yuval Yairi & Zohar Kawaharada (Israel) – Land, 2013, 4:36
Alexander Yeltsin (Ukraine) – Warning, 2014, 5:37
Hande Zerkin (Turkey) – Democracy, 2014, 2:34
7. Total Art – Alienated Timelines I
Sandra Araujo (Portugal) – Runtime Error, 2013, 4:12
Natalia Biegaj (Poland) – The Door is Always Open, 2014, 4:28
Giovanni Bucci (Italy) – Never-Never, 2013, 3:44
Consuleo Calitri (ES) & Andrea Nevi (I) – The Hiccup, 2010, 8:25
Alejandro Casales (Mexico) – Adsem Varien, 2014, 8:06
Stephen John Ellis (USA) – Aus dem Kinder , 2011, 5:14
Francesca Fini (Italy) – White Sugar, 2013, 13:00
Ben Fox, (UK) – Recent Tactile Nonsense, 2014, 2:16
Catherine Fraser (Canada) – Woods, 2014, 3:00
Ruben Gonzalez Escudero (Spain) – Walking Around, 2014, 1:38
John Graham (Canada) – Move, 2011, 7:48
Henri Gwiazda (USA) – Beautiful Politics, 2012, 9:10
Gavin Hoffman (Ireland) – Complicit, 2013, 4:08
Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – Jealous Guy, 2014, 4:35
Isabel Layton (USA) – Little Black Dress, 2014, 2:28
Jerome Chia Horng Lin (Taiwan) – The Path of Water, 2013, 4:49
Michael O’Donnell (USA) – Butternut, 2014, 4:02
8. Total Art – Alienated Timelines II
Albert Merino (Spain) –Visà vis, 2013, 5.05
Tessa Moult-Milewska (Poland) – Spiders and Flies, 2013, 3:30
Belen Paton (Spain) – Belfast Road Closed, 2013, 6:46
Shuai Cheng Pu (Taiwan) – Still Here, 2010, 4:50
Edward Ramsay-Morin (USA) – As Dreams Sometimes Do, 2013, 3: 19
Adrián Regnier Chávez (Mexico) – C of La Fuga, 2014, 4:56
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – The Unborn, 2014, 4:43
Mikio Saito (Japan) – Stripes Too Stripes, 2010, 8:33
Julie Skarland (AU) – Angeline, 2013, 2:49
Ben Skea (UK) – Sleep Vessel, 2013, 2:43
Wojtek Skowron (Poland) – Beetles in Boxes, 2014, 3:56
Karolien Soete (Belgium) – Tempus Fugit , 2013, 3:53
Po-Wei Su (Taiwan)- Plastic Flowers, 2014, 2:56
Ramon Suau (Spain) – Xaoh, 2014, 4:17
Ozan Turkkan (Turkey) – Bipolar Fractal, 2013, 4.32
Adriano Vesicchelli (Italy) – Agent of Chaos, 2014, 3:51
Mizmor Watzman (Israel) – A Thing So Small, 2013, 9:00
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Home, Sweet Home!, 2014, 2:59
Owen Eric Wood (CA) – Corrida Autotopia, 2014, 5:00
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Kaled, 2014, 6:10